So, this is a question from my fiance that he needs help with. He asked "Bob" to be his best man. Now he has known "Bob" since he was little. They hung out all the time and were inseparable. He considered "Bob" to be his best friend. He says that Bob always got them into trouble. (but thats something that kids do) now that they are older, Bob has been drinking a lot, doing hardcore drugs and is a pathological liar. My fiance doesnt even consider him to be his friend anymore and is constantly embarassed by his actions. He asked him to be his best man bc he thought thats what you do...choose the person youve been friends with the longest. Well, last night my fiance and I went out with a bunch of people including Bob. Bob was belligerantlly drunk, stumbling all over, calling his dealers for crack. And he eventually got kicked out of the bar because he was grabbing a guys crotch and called the waitress a c***. Frankly, we were embarassed. Now my fiance wants to boot him as the best man and boot him from the wedding completely. The best man is suppose to be someone you look up to, someone you "love" and that represents you. Or at least thats what we think. So his question should he do it? He has a big fear over telling him on the phone but doesnt want to seem like a coward if he texts him. Thanks so much!