September 2012 Weddings

parent gift ideas?

I'm currently at a loss as to what to gift our parents with for our wedding. we will definitely be doing the photo album of pictures after we get those back, but we want to give them something at the rehearsal dinner too.

we don't think our parents would really appreciate watches or jewelry. our moms just don't wear jewelry that often and our dad's don't wear watches.

we also thought about giving gift cards so dan's parents could have like a fancy date night type thing, but he doesn't think that would be fitting for them. my parents are divorced so that would not work at all.

any ideas? dan's sister gave his parents a digital picture frame for her wedding. i like the idea of something they can actually use in their house/together. but i'm stuck. TIA!
Happily married since 9/1/2012!
The Whimsical Wifey

Re: parent gift ideas?

  • I'm searching for a nice garden ornament for FI's mother that says "Love Makes a Family Grow". She's big into gardening, and seeing as her family is technically "growing" by us getting married and the fact that we will all be living together in the near future, I thought it would be a nice touch. His family isn't the sentimental type, but I know she'd like something for the garden :)
    I want to get my dad a personalized handkerchief that says: "Of all the walks we've taken, this one is my favourite."It makes me all teary-eyed just typing it!! It means so much to me to have him walk me down the aisle, and I know he'll need a hanky too haha
    I'm debating on what to get my mom.... I considered the handkerchief thing too saying something like "To dry your tears like you've always dried mine.", but I'd rather get her something practical and sentimental. I found this pretty little purse hanger that I'd like to have engraved with a special note or the wedding date.

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  • I'm pretty sure we'll be giving both a weekend away along with a photo album.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: parent gift ideas?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm searching for a nice garden ornament for FI's mother that says "Love Makes a Family Grow". She's big into gardening, and seeing as her family is technically "growing" by us getting married and the fact that we will all be living together in the near future, I thought it would be a nice touch. His family isn't the sentimental type, but I know she'd like something for the garden :) I want to get my dad a personalized handkerchief that says:<strong> "Of all the walks we've taken, this one is my favourite."</strong> It makes me all teary-eyed just typing it!! It means so much to me to have him walk me down the aisle, and I know he'll need a hanky too haha I'm debating on what to get my mom.... I considered the handkerchief thing too saying something like " To dry your tears like you've always dried mine." , but I'd rather get her something practical and sentimental. I found this pretty little purse hanger that I'd like to have engraved with a special note or the wedding date.
    Posted by mamameech[/QUOTE]

    That quote is fantastic! All those "I'm still your little girl" ones make me choke. This one is fantastic and my dad totally still uses hankies!

    To OP: I think you should look for something useful or sentimental. Or since you are doing albulms for them after the wedding, maybe just a heartfelt letter. Maybe a nice bottle of wine.
  • my FMIL is very into crystal, and mom has some too, we will be doing albums for them but I think for RH gift we are going to get Waterford picture frames, seeign as they are into crystal and both are familys are irsh.  If I can't gind waterford then possibly belek irish china could work.

    Ideally we'd like to send them both away, but I think that might not be in the budget, however we've talked about using some weddign money to give really goos Christmas presents that following Christmas.  His parents go to FL every witner, adn theres a place in the keys his father will never take his mom so i think we will book them a night or two there to use durign their snowbird trip.  My parents IDK they love maine so maybe a weekend getway there, either that or a night in the city and Giants tickets are my ideas so far?
    Sept 2012 Siggy:Bridesmaids' Dresses
    Bari Jay 911 in Raspberry
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  • Thanks for the ideas, everyone. I know my parents would LOVE receiving a heartfelt letter, but I feel weird not gifting them an actual THING. i know it sounds weird, but i just feel like i wouldn't be giving them anything, even if they really liked the note.

    i think a good idea for my dad would be tickets to a cubs or bulls game. the cubs are playing the cards a few weeks after my wedding (big rivalry), so that might be a great game to get tickets for. i'll have to decide soon while prices are still low, though.

    my mom would probably be the only one to appreciate a bottle of wine. i think maybe i could get her that and perhaps a giftcard to a spa treatment.

    i'm still at a loss for dan's parents. I don't think they'd really appreciate a nice picture frame, and it might be overkill if we are also giving them an album. i also don't think his parents would appreciate a heartfelt note as much as my parents would, and i also don't think he has it in him to write one (haha). he never writes me notes in cards unless i hint a bunch that i want that. and even then, it's like pulling teeth.

    i'm thinking of maybe gifting them a tree. i know that sounds crazy and wierd, but Dan's dad is SUPER into gardening and his mom really loves it too, and loves all the flowers his dad grows and stuff. I think a tree would be great because it would last forever and be a constant reminder, etc. Dan thinks there might not be room in their garden, which is a good point, but i think we might try to scout it out next time we are at their house. anyone have good recommendations of trees? lol
    Happily married since 9/1/2012!
    The Whimsical Wifey
  • I think that Dan should be responsible for giving his parent's their gifts. He knows them best and should be able to come up with the best gift for them. Impress on him how important it is. If he objects, explain that this is more important than a birthday or holiday gift. Those gifts you get a chance to re-do next  year if you screw up. This is a once in a lifetime gift. It is a thank you for all their hard work shaping him into a man that is worthy and ready to be with a woman as amazing as you are.

    Hopefully he will understand the weight of the issue and put some real thought into it.
  • I am giving my parents this picture frame... one side it is a frame and the other side is says
    Today Im a bride
    Tomorrow Im a wife
    Forever your little girl
    9/08/12 (our wedding date)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I just read your full post about Cubs and Cards... and I know the rivarly... I live in St louis :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We paid for our parents to have a wedding album.  I was thinking about getting each set of parents a nice lenox or waterford frame as well as a gift certificate for dinner.

    I think that's a nice way to say thanks and I'm sure they can use the frame to put a nice family wedding picture in.
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