September 2012 Weddings

Losing my mind!

Fi and I have been trying last week to move to our new house.  We are slowly making progress but it is 1 step forward 3 steps back every day and we've yet to even sleep there.  My first thought this morning when I woke up was "this is too much!"  We are exhausted and rushed.  I haven't worked out in over a week and a half (have a class scheduled for tonight though thank goodness!), we haven't been cooking at home, and we've been running around until midnight every night. 

Then there's that wedding in 25 days!  We are still missing a few RSVPs (33 to be exact).  I have a BM dragging her feet who hasn't RSVP'd because she's waiting for her student loan money to come in to book a flight and hotel.  Besides that being irresponsible (and illegal maybe?), you've known about the wedding for 15 months.  Saving $20 a month would have been enough because flights weren't that expensive 2 months ago (I even notified her of a price decrease alert I got) and we have a great hotel deal (less $70/night).  She's been a kinda crappy friend the past few months so I don't even feel like dealing with her.

Then FI tracked down two missing RSVPs from his side...awesome!  But the one  (his best man's sister) has the nerve to ask if she can bring someone.  She's not dating anyone so it would just be a friend.  Her brother is in our wedding, her mom is coming, she knows most of the GM, her SIL and SIL's whole family will be there so knowing people isn't a issue (esp since it will only be 100 person wedding and you know at least 15 people).  Plus, I think she has or had a thing for FI because everytime we've interacted she's rude to me (even her SIL says so) and when FI's in town and I'm not she calls him non-stop to hang out.  So, you're a b*tch to me and want me to pay for your random friend to come to my wedding?  No.  Fortunately FI said no up front but it just made me less of a fan of her.

Then, just now a lady I babysit for occassionally texted me asking if I could sit on Saturday.  The cash would be nice so I said I could and thought perfect because I had to call her today to track down her and her husband's RSVPs.  So I did the subtle "did you receive our invite?"  ask so as not to blatantly ask why their RSVP is late.  I know it was a text but I guess the subtext was missed because she said "We did.  See you Saturday."  ::headdesk::  I'll see her Saturday so I guess I can get an answer then. 

Very envious of those of you who are done with the wedding.  I just want to be settled in our new home and married.  Too much to ask?

Re: Losing my mind!

  • i give you props because i don't know how i'd be able to handle the added stress of a new home! (congrats though, hopefully you're all settled in soon!)

    i honestly can't wait for it to be done! i am so stressed with everything that at this point, i'm not even that excited. lol, i'm more like "just get me to the honeymoon PLEASE!"

    but i have faith we can ALL do this! just keep going, keep our heads up, don't let the stress drag us down and just keep reminding ourselves what the day REALLY means! :)

    image 233 made the cut!
    image 186 are ready to party!
    image 47 are party poopers!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We've been working on a lot of house projects we want to get done before the wedding, and I had a recently married friend tell me not to stress over it. This is the one time in life chaos can be excused by saying, "we're planning a wedding" or "we just got married." 

    Obviously you want your house to be liveable, but if it's not perfect or completely unpacked there will be time after the wedding :) I have to keep reminding myself of that!
  • Time is going to fly and this will all be past before you know it. Then you can look back on this time and laugh at how much you were juggling all at once :)
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