September 2012 Weddings

Show me your...

Most recent check!

I feel like I've been in sort of a lull lately, so it would be nice to hear things that everyone has gotten done recently :)

I have two recent checks:
(1) I bought a bracelet. FI bought me a pearl necklace this year, so I will be wearing that. I bought this beautiful bracelet to go with it.

Now, I'm just on the hunt for earrings!!

2) We booked our flight to Greece for the honeymoon!! Now everything is booked!! Hopefully it looks like this:

And not like this:

FI is a little bit worried because of all the riots in Athens, but, luckily, we are only there for 1 night, and then we are off to the islands for the remaining 10 nights! Hopefully, it all works out!!

So, what you have ladies gotten done lately?
Sept. 2012 May Siggy Challenge: Honeymoon
Greece (Athens, Mykonos, Naxos, Santorini)
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Re: Show me your...

  • We booked our photographers:

    And our DJ:

    I've also picked my dress, but not ordered it:

  • 1. i got a ship date for my dress : May 1st

    also got my swatch in the mail! but i don't have a picture.

    2. booked appointments with florists the next few weekends

    3. ordered koozies to gift to my BM's for my bachelorette party. i know this isn't really customary, but they were cute and i just got really excited about them!

    (these aren't mine, they are the photo from the etsy listing)

    4. i've been working with a designer and am soooo close to having decided on invitations!

    Happily married since 9/1/2012!
    The Whimsical Wifey
  • We booked our plane tickets and one of the hotels for our honeymoon. 

    We'll be going to Belgium and the Netherlands for 10 days in October. One of the days we'll be going to a cyclocross race (FH is a cyclist) so we booked the hotel near the race since it might fill up soon. I'm really happy with the deals I have been able to find on hotels by shopping around. I think the most we may end up paying per night is $125 and most hotels will be closer to $100 which is really cheap for Europe! 

    I tried to circle the towns we're visiting but I am not sure how clear it is!
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  • Bridesmaids picked their dress on Sunday, and I'm going with one of them to order theirs today ;)

    FI, will be buying stamps for our STDs today.
  • We have our honeymoon booked.  We still have to buy the airline tickets but we're waiting for income taxes to come in for that.

    We're going on this ship:

    It will be my 3rd time on the ship and FI's 2nd but we're excited to see the Mediterranean together and we'll have a balcony room so it will be the best so far!
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  • that bracelet is gorgeous cpasquale!!
    and Kelly- you are too cute!! look at that smile!!

    I got my invitation mock-up competed this weekend; so now it's assembly line time!

    We decided on the tux and I think I made my decision in regards to ties (and coordinating wedding party).

    This is the groom (my son will have a matching bow tie):

    This is the best man/MOH:

    We also had our first marriage prep class on Sat; so we started that check ;)
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  • No pictures really but we've booked our DJ, that was our last big check!
    We sent off the deposit for the caterer, addressed our save the dates, finished our wedding website, and I've finished some tote bags I made for the BM. 
    The BM are coming this weekend to go dress shopping so that's one more thing to check off the list!
    image180 image85 image8 Wedding Countdown Ticker image
  • I ALMOST had two big checks done this week... deposit to caterer and 2nd payment to photographer.... THEN.... fraud im my bank account and im out 2850.00.  I found this out yesterday... I was so upset.  Had to call both venders and have them destroy the checks.  :(  FI says things will be ok... its still SO upsetting.
    January Siggy ****weight loss**** image Wedding Countdown Ticker Follow Me on Pinterest
  • Cate- that bracelet is gorgeous!!!

    We sent our STD's yesterday.  I waited to do it because I wanted the Valentine's Day post mark :)

  • Sent Save the Dates! Woo Hoo which lso means we've locked down (ish) our list and right now we're 14 people over our limit and 64 people over where we thought our final attendance number should be so I think we'll actually end up ok.

    And picked the bridesmaids dresses. I don;t know who will be in what yet, but this is the group the girls get to choose from:

    Sept 2012 Siggy:Bridesmaids' Dresses
    Bari Jay 911 in Raspberry
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  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:a464c18c-2e4d-469b-8eae-3865079cb9cfDiscussion:9c43a988-0333-46f0-887b-35d04ffff944Post:be8a9ece-35ec-4b58-bdb6-ebc5cfd219e3">Re: Show me your...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I ALMOST had two big checks done this week... deposit to caterer and 2nd payment to photographer.... THEN.... fraud im my bank account and im out 2850.00.  I found this out yesterday... I was so upset.  Had to call both venders and have them destroy the checks.  :(  FI says things will be ok... its still SO upsetting.
    Posted by kirab2[/QUOTE]

    OMG that's awful!!!
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  • I got my reception dress in the mail! Its too big and needs taken in (you can tell it doesn't fit well in the picture) but my sister is doing that for me :) I am also moving the bow to the side.

  • Got our photographer booked after two weeks of interviews. Next thing on my list is going dress shopping. Doing that Saturday! Woo!
  • Today I paid our deposit for the venue! So excited to say officially I am getting married 09-02-2012!! I know I am behind but it will be an intimate wedding and now that the date is set I can start checking things off my list.
  • Some great checks!!!

    Welcome to the board kristakay!!

    Sept. 2012 May Siggy Challenge: Honeymoon
    Greece (Athens, Mykonos, Naxos, Santorini)
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • I purchased my shoes and earrings recently. Also blocked rooms at another hotel for our guests. Nothing major but an improvement nonetheless.
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