Most recent check!
I feel like I've been in sort of a lull lately, so it would be nice to hear things that everyone has gotten done recently

I have two recent checks:
(1) I bought a bracelet. FI bought me a pearl necklace this year, so I will be wearing that. I bought this beautiful bracelet to go with it.

Now, I'm just on the hunt for earrings!!
2) We booked our flight to Greece for the honeymoon!! Now everything is booked!! Hopefully it looks like this:

And not like this:

FI is a little bit worried because of all the riots in Athens, but, luckily, we are only there for 1 night, and then we are off to the islands for the remaining 10 nights! Hopefully, it all works out!!
So, what you have ladies gotten done lately?
Sept. 2012 May Siggy Challenge:
Greece (Athens, Mykonos, Naxos, Santorini)