I don't expect much since I just recently came out of self-induced lurkdom and nobody really knows me. I'm just not sure where else to vent (throw a pity party). Our wedding is next Saturday, I'm beyond excited! However, it seems like I'm the only one that is. I realize everybody else has their lives to tend to, but everybody keeps telling me "no." I mean, I am paying for manicures and updos for all my girls and two of them told me I needed to reschedule and/or cancel because they are working the day of the wedding and probably can't make it. Not to mention that one of the girls "isn't a girly girl" so she doesn't even want hair and nails done. Umm, hello? you could have said "no" when I asked you to even be in the wedding. I asked if anybody, bridesmaids or groomsmen would be giving a toast at the reception... "no" from both sides. So we'll be toasting each other to no toast... I asked for help to finish the centerpieces. "No" from everybody but my mother. There's a million other things, and I'm just so over it and wish we would have just eloped. I bend over backwards for people and I guess I just expected the same. I guess I have to look at it as everybody else did this 5-10 years ago. It's our "fault" for waiting until after 30 to get hitched. People are over the wedding excitement.
Sorry for my Debbie Downer post, I just can't complain about it to anyone in real life (especially not to my fiance and most of these people are his family that I have tried like hell to include)