Let me start out by saying that I love my mother dearly. There is no other woman on the earth that I love more. That said, how would you deal with this situation?
I have used my mother as a sort of "sounding board" I suppose. Anytime I'm frustrated about something I vent to her about it. When I vent I don't really want anything to be said or done about it, I just want to get it off my chest. This past weekend MOH, FMIL, FSIL, and my mom got together to talk about my shower. I told my mom what my ideal shower would be. So she went into the meeting and started telling everyone what I wanted and how this was my shower and my wedding and it was a *my last name* wedding, not a *FI's last name* wedding. She kind of alienated everyone and blew things up like an atom bomb.
In her defense, when she was planning her wedding it was 500 miles away from my dad's family and my dad (she's from Northern Maine and he's from SE Mass.) so she didn't have to take into consideration the opinions of my father or his family when she was planning her wedding so she has an assumption that weddings are all about the bride. I don't feel that way and I probably should have conveyed that fact to her but I honestly didn't think it would blow up in my face like it did.
Anyway, FMIL, and FSIL ended up crying after my mother stormed out of the meeting and things are kind of not great with us right now. Also, MOH has decided to step down from being MOH because she doesn't want to talk to my mom anymore. My mom feels like she was wronged during that meeting because she thinks that they attacked her and she wants an apology. I wasn't there so I don't know what really happened all I know is what people have told me so I don't know what to do about all of this.
I'd love to just brush it all under the rug but I know my mother and I know that if she doesn't get what she wants (an apology) she's going to walk around every event (including the wedding) with a sour face. She may not do it intentionally but she will be upset and she (like myself) wears her emotions on her face.
What would you do?