

Hey thanks for your pep talk. I'm sure its just the stress talking. FI doesn't get that I already planned a wedding and hate doing again even though it's with him. So tired of people questioning every decision I make. My boss actually asked me why the guys are wearing tuxes! Because it's a wedding! Even though it's a BBQ and out where Dori had hers and our guests don't have to wear suits, I would like us to look special and nice for the day. I could go on and on but won't. Thanks again and I hope your having a great pregnancy!
ME:44 MH:42 DE IVF 2013
image Matrix image Ollie

Re: Angela

  • AMK2009AMK2009 member
    edited December 2011
    No problem!  Wedding planning really stressed me out, and I pretty much hated it.  DH and I got into a fight about it when we first got engaged because I didn't want to have a big wedding because I didn't want to spend the money, and I just didn't want to be bothered.  I wanted to go somewhere and get it done quick and painlessly.  But DH really wanted the wedding and everything that went with it, so I gave in!  So I think every time I  got irritated or stressed about something wedding related, I always got mad and blamed it on him.  And of course, like most guys, he was no help with anything wedding related, which really irritated me.  It was just really stressful!!  GRR.  You're so close!  It will be all over and done with soon!!!  Just hang in there!
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