September 2012 Weddings

New idea for ceremony in lieu of a unity candle/sand ceremony

So FI had this idea the other day. Usually his ideas are pretty out there, but this one I am actually fond of. I'm not sure of it's implementation but the idea around it is really nice.

What we would do is take a glass vase like this: 

And put a candle in it, just a bit bigger than the one in the picture. Then we would have little glass bottles or jars, like really really little, filled with sand for each guest to take as they enter the ceremony hall. When it comes time, we would ask each guest to come up to the bowl and pour their jar of sand into the bowl as a symbol of their love and support. When that is done, we would take the tapered candles that our parents had lit previously to light the center candle, symbolizing our union. 

Do you think that would work? Is it a bad idea to ask folks to come up and pour their sand in the bowl? Any thoughts, suggestions??

Re: New idea for ceremony in lieu of a unity candle/sand ceremony

  • How many people do you have at the ceremony? As a guest I'd probably feel a bit awkward walking up there to put my sand in, but maybe that is just me.

    I do like the idea of wanting to include all your guests though.

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  • I'm expecting about 100. And that is exactly what I was thinking, Aries... Our other thought was to have them do so when they walk in. We'd have the jar at the back of the hall with a sign telling people what to do before they sit down. 
  • I like it.  That would be a really nice way to include your guests in your ceremony! :) 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New idea for ceremony in lieu of a unity candle/sand ceremony</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm expecting about 100. And that is exactly what I was thinking, Aries... Our other thought was to have them do so when they walk in. We'd have the jar at the back of the hall with a sign telling people what to do before they sit down. 
    Posted by romamor4[/QUOTE]

    <div>I like this idea better. It would take forever if everyone did one by one at  the ceremony and it would be SO awkward to do it in front of everyone on a "stage". Why not have it in the back (because I think it's a sweet idea) and bring it up during the ceremony to light the candle?</div>
  • An idea I've thought of is to each mix in a different wildflower.  Say poppy and larkspur.  Then each year you sprinkle a little in your yard and have pretty wildflowers from your wedding. 

    IDK how long the seeds would last (as an agriculture teacher I should know) but I don't. 

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    Just because you saw it on Four Weddings, doesn't mean it's a good idea.
  • You could do pebbles...and pass around the globe diring the ceremony?
  • I saw something similar to this, except it was only the couples children, everyone had a different color sand and they were demonstrating the blending of both their families, it was really nice.
    Maybe you have your guests put their sand in the bowl as they come in, but ask your close family to join you at the altar? (parents/grandparents/siblings/aunts/uncles etc...? whoever you are closest to).
  • It's a really sweet idea but I think it would take forever if everyone came up to the front individually.  And what about elderly people who may have trouble getting around?  I like PP suggestion of having the vase at the back so people can add their sand when they come in.  Then you could maybe have a groomsman bring it up to the front before the bridesmaids/bride enter.  Or you could even have a child do it, like a ring bearer.
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