September 2012 Weddings

Reception Card Info (XP)

You ladies are always very helpful and insightful, so I am XPing this here too.  I am having a DW to New Orleans, so these questions are tailored to that situation.  Our website will be on the reception card for sure. 

My reception has a definite end time of 8:30pm (3:00 day wedding).  Should I put that on the card so guests can know they have the remainder of the evening to go out (everyone is from OOT)?  Just end time or say reception 4:30- 8:30?

We are having a Welcome Party Friday evening after RD for everyone and a farewell Brunch on Sunday.  Should I put this info on the reception card? I was thinking of putting it on back side.  It will be on the website too. 

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Re: Reception Card Info (XP)

  • I don't think an end time is necessary.  I'm pretty sure that no one is going into a 4:30pm reception thinking they will be there until midnight.  Most receptions are 4-5 hours so I think it'll be understood when things wind down at the party.  It wouldn't be tacky though if you wanted to.  If you think people will eat again and want to make reservations or get tickets to a show or something that would be courteous.  You could also leave it off the card but put it on your website with some suggestions of things to do after. 

    If you put anything on the back of the reception card, I would put "(over)" or something in the corner because I know I probably wouldn't look at the back.  You could also do a separate card for these things.

  • Thanks-  these are good points.
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