Wedding Invitations & Paper

Programs and Menu Cards


I want to create programs for our ceremony (we are doing "in memory of" deceased family members in them so they are necessary for us) and also slim menu cards for the tables.  I want them to be simple and classy ecru colored with minimal design/graphics on them.  Does anyone have suggestions of good stores to check out, websites, paper/printing suggestions or DIY kits?  I looked at all the craft stores in our area and found a few that had program paper, but I wasn't 100% impressed and I couldn't find any menu card paper.  I want to keep it affordable so I'm willing to just buy the paper and print on my own printer at home.  Any advice or direction to another post that addresses this would be much appreciated!!

Re: Programs and Menu Cards

  • I used scrapbooking paper for my menus and programs. I wanted the long, narrow cards for both, so I bought 12" x 12" scrapbooking paper and cut it to 4" x 12" pieces for the programs and 4" x 8" for the menus. HTH!
  • eshesh member
    For the menu cards, using MS Word or similar, you could use a regular sheet of card stock in 8.5x11. Print on it portrait sized. Create two columns. Create your menu on one side then copy and paste it to the other side. Print out and cut down the middle using a paper cutter.

    For the Programs, I find that Michaels has some really nice selections. If not, check for paper samples.
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