Wedding Invitations & Paper

Help with invites and place cards

For our wedding, our colors are peacock blue and yellow, peacock blue as our main color and yellow as an accent with the flowers.  We are not having a peacock themed wedding, but everything I find (invitations, etc.) have a peacock or peacock feather on them.  Since I don't want the peacock feather, I think I am going to have to make my own place cards and possible invites (if I don't go with something simple).  I am not crafty and have had trouble finding cardstock in this blue to make my own.  Any suggestions?

Re: Help with invites and place cards

  • lstruggleslstruggles member
    edited March 2012
    have you tried looking online or even Michael's craft store?  I went through a lady here in CO for my invitations and everything, and she ships anywhere.  Her work is wonderful - check out she has tons of colors to choose from and may be able to match your blue.

    Not sure if this is the accurate color but these are really cool for place cards...
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  • hkb18hkb18 member
    Thanks lstruggles!  The ones on are worth a shot.....I will definately look into it.  I will also check out that website...thanks so much!
  • will have a ton of ideas for that color without the feather theme - they sell through dealers, so if you find someone that carries envelopments locally, I would highly recommend that paper.
  • Can you just get regular white cardstock and find the color you want online and do that? I wonder because I bought blue cardstock to use as the trim (backing) for my invites but then FI got the color I wanted in his design program and I just used the pearlized cardstock and printed it on... savesme from buying extra blue cardstock and all that extra cutting.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • hkb18hkb18 member
    I have looked several places and online.....but the blues I have found dont match the peacock blue from David's Bridal....they are mostly to light.....guess I'll keep looking!
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