Wedding Invitations & Paper

Addressing envelopes

I'm currently addressing save the dates and I was curious as to what everyone thinks about not addressing in cursive. I don't really like how my handwriting looks in cursive, so I was just going to write in print.

Also, I have a cousin who is not married but I want her to be able to bring a date. She also has two children. How do I word this on the envelope so it's clear they're all invited?

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: Addressing envelopes

  • cursive or handwritting is fine - it meets the proper ettique to write them out, it's your time you put into them that means something.  or you can get someon else that has neater handwriting to do it.  maybe someone in your wedding party?

    Miss Sahra Goodfella & Guest
    Emily and Robert

  • Is it acceptable to address save the dates more informally - as you would a normal letter - or should you formally address them to Mr. and Mrs., Masters, Misses, etc. as you would the invitation?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Printing by hand is fine.

    Since this is a save the date and not an invitation, you are merely advising your cousin of the date of your marriage and letting her know that she will receive an invitation when they are sent out.  You don't need to include "and guest" on her STD, because you aren't inviting her to anything at this point.  And things could change when you're ready to send the actual invitation, so you don't want to commit to her bringing a guest.  I wouldn't even include the children on address for the save the date.

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