Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Is there an easier way to search for an officiant?

My fiance and I are looking for an officiant for next fall and we are looking for our officiant to do a ceremony with a few Irish proverbs and traditions since his side is Irish.  I tried looking up "celtic wedding officiants" and I find that I mostly have to read each bio of every officiant to see what they are all about.  Anyone have any tips on making the search a little easier? For instance, searching by ceremony type? I have plenty of time but tips for finding an officiant would help :)

Re: Is there an easier way to search for an officiant?

  • You want an officiant with a specific ACCENT?  I'm sorry, but that sounds copmletely ridculous.   I can understand wanting someone who will perform Irish traditions, but specifically wanting someone with an Irish accent is crazy.   I mean, I suppose you could hire an actor.   But is that really what you want?
  • I have to agree with Avion here.  It is certainly understandable to want to honor one's heritage with certain traditions and blessings at their wedding but to search for an officient with a particular accent turns that person into a prop for the "wedding vibe" rather than the solemn job of officient.
  • I love when a wedding is a year away and someone screams, "HELP," like their clothes are on fire.

    This is not an emergency. You have a year. Post on the Detroit board. You'll get more help there.
  • Are you or your fi Irish? Get involved with an Irish Society and learn about your heritage, attend events and fundraisers.
  • We had an Irish wedding on St. Patty's Day. full of traditions, readings, and blessings.  Our officiant was Italian. Nothing was lost.
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  • try contacting your local irish american club
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