Wedding Invitations & Paper

Double check invite text

Please let me know if you see any mistakes in our invite text before we send it off to the invitation designer. thank you! First Middle Last and First Middle Last   request the joy of your presence as they exchange vows Saturday, the fifteenth of September  two thousand twelve half after four o'clock   Venue Name 1 Alphabet Street City, New Jersey Reception to follow

Re: Double check invite text

  • edited March 2012
    Thanks for the input. I don't think that we will add the word marriage to the invitations since we will not actually legally be getting married. Although we and our families consider this a marriage it does not ring true to use that word. As for adding wedding before vows I think a word has to be an adjective to modify a noun so that would not work either. You have given me some things to think about in regards to the invitation wording.
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