Wedding Invitations & Paper

Wax Seal

Anyone use the was seals? I just got my invitations back and they have a lined envelope. They are thick and I think they need somehting to keep them closed. The sticker seals don't really match the theme.

1. Did they mail okay and/or add extra weight?
2. How do you do it? I've seen the supplies but no directions.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Wax Seal

  • I have no personal experience with them but I have heard the wax crumbles and gets destroyed in the mail.  The wax also adds extra weight.
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  • A friend did these. Most of the ones that went through the mail got broken. Either the wax gets crushed in the machines, or it gets a little too hot in the truck...there are a number of variables that you can't control. They do add extra weight as well.

    Do the envelope flaps really need more than the sticky stuff they come with? Maybe try a thin line of glue, but be careful! I'm also not a fan of sticker seals on formal invitations. To me, stickers on envelopes are just too reminisccient of middle school. But maybe scrapbooking glue dots along the inside would solve the problem without looking tacky or getting messy.

    Hope this helps!
  • I've done them many times for brides (used to work in wedding stationery) and they worked fine. 

    They won't add too much more weight, but will add a large bump (also extra cost) so you should ask the post office to hand cancel them - this will also eliminate the potential problem of wax being crushed in the machines (though sealing wax is not the same as candle wax and shouldn't be able to be crushed at all...)

    Look for sealing wax that can fit in a hot glue gun - then just squirt a bit onto the envelope and press with a seal. Practice a few times to figure out how much wax you need. Let them dry at least 24 hours. 
  • A glue stick will do the trick!
  • I sent my invites with a wax seal and they were delivered without any issues and they looked fantastic!

    We also had envelope liners as well.  We had to seal the envelope the old fashioned way (we used wet paper towels), then once they were dry, we sealed with the wax.
    Once a sample was complete, I took it to the post office to weigh and verify the postage needed for delivery. 
  • Also, as far as the application...
    You need a glue gun that takes the larger glue sticks, not the skinny "pixie glue sticks", and one that is actually a hot glue gun, not a cool temp gun.  We picked ours up at Wal-mart for about $10 or so.  It took about 3/4 of one squeeze per seal.

    We made a sort of assembly line out of it.  We found that if you let the wax dry for just a few seconds, the seal works better.  You also need to leave the seal in the wax a few seconds.

    You will only be able to seal 5-10 before the seal itself gets too hot.  You know when it's too hot because the wax will start sticking to the seal instead of the envelope.  Give it a few minutes to cool off, then back to it!

    Good luck and have fun!!!
  • Oh... one more tip that we found...

    If you mess up, just let the wax dry and it will peel right off of the enveope, instead of trying to wipe ot off.  It takes the pressure off to make everyone EXACTLY right!

    Just set that one aside and go back to it!
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