Hi everybody,
Here's the wording for our invitations as it looks now. Could you let me know if anything looks wrong? (On the actual invite everything except our names is in small caps; our names are in cursive, capitalized regularly; and all this is centered.)
together with their families
Jane Ann Turtle
John Allen Star
request the pleasure of your company
at their wedding
saturday, the sixteenth of june
two thousand and twelve
five o'clock in the afternoon
venue name
venue street address
city, state
reception immediately following
I'm also wondering about a couple of other things:
Is it correct that the phrase "reception immediately following" (rather than "reception to follow") indicates that the reception will be held at the same location as the ceremony? Can you say this even though there will be a cocktail hour in between the ceremony and the reception?
Is it correct that I don't need to include "RSVP" on the invite itself if I have an RSVP card included? And on that card, how do you indicate the date you need to have the card back by - I've seen "please respond by [date]" printed somewhere on the card.
Oh, and one other thing - I am probably overthinking this, but we're getting married in a former church that is now maintained by a neighborhood historical association and rented out for weddings etc. but is not an active church. So I'm assuming "the pleasure of your company" is still correct, rather than "the honour of your presence." Thoughts on this?
Thank you!