Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

seating of granarents

i was trying to figure out what songs i wanted played at our wedding and i chose the same song for both the mothers and gradparents to be seated to. this was because i have three grandparents and my fh grandparents have passed away. my mom says that tradition is the songs are different between  the mothers and grandparents. any suggestions.
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Re: seating of granarents

  • I think they can be the same.  Plus, if you were to play two songs all the way through (or even halfway through), this procession would be ridiculously long.
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  • I think they can be the same.  Seriously, I don't think anyone but your mom will probably care/notice.  To be honest, all the weddings I've been to seat the grandparents/parents at the same time - meaning that it's not like the parents wait to walk down the aisle until the grandparents are completely seated, so there wouldn't be a good time to change the music anyways.
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  • My granparents and MOB,MOG and FOG are all being seated to the same song..and its long enough for the bridal party as well.  My flower girl and ring bearer will come out to my entrance song.You can do it however you want!  I have seen it done all kinds of ways.  Do what you want to do!
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  • Traditionally, there is one song for the entire wedding party.  The most common song is "Here Comes the Bride"  I included the grandparents and parents in the processional and played one song for the entire 17 person wedding party
  • I have never heard of the mothers and grandmothers getting their own special music.
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