I've got a long time to think about this, but I figure I might as well ask while it's on my mind, lol. I'm in the process of drawing up my first draft guest list. I'm the family genealogist, so I got to cheat, and just printed out a chart of family within my "degree of relation" limits, crossed off anyone who I don't know well, and made sure everyone on the list was living. Then I called my mom to see if I had missed anyone, or added someone that I didn't need to.
While I was reading off names, there were several times when my mother said "Who?" not because she didn't know them, but because that person always goes by a middle name or nickname. I know you're supposed to put people's full names on their invitations, and for some people this is obvious (Robert instead of Bobby, Jonathan instead of Jon), but what about the people that NEVER go by their "real" name? Like my Uncle Buck, whose name is actually Stanley, but I've never heard anyone call him that... Any thoughts?