Wedding Invitations & Paper

RSVP deadline?

How much time do you typically give guests to RSVP to your wedding? Do you generally request a reply 2 weeks before the wedding, 3 weeks before, etc.? Thanks!

Re: RSVP deadline?

  • FYI, my caterer will need a final head count at least 5 days before the wedding. So is asking guests to RSVP 2 weeks before the wedding going to give me enough time to get an accurate head count? (I realize I will inevitably end up calling people who don't RSVP to find out if they're coming.) Would asking guests to RSVP 3 weeks in advance of the wedding date be better for me?
  • Between two and three weeks should be enough time, but it will depend on how many guests you are having, obviously you'll need more time if you are having 200 people and less if you are having 50 people.  Maybe assume you will need to follow up and call half of your guests, and if you can divide that chore with your fiance and both of your mothers, how much time do you think you will need?

    Whoever said it was supposed to be happily ever after is a big fat liar.
  • Good call Megan--I hadn't thought of it that way. We're inviting close to 200 people, so maybe 3 weeks would be best.
  • Ours is actually 1 month to the day before.  Our venue requires final numbers 2 weeks in advance and I wanted to give ourselves time to track non responders down.
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  • Our RSVP date is earlier than most.  Our cake baker/caterer requires 3 weeks notice and we invited 221 people.  Our deadline is 6 weeks before the wedding.  I will wait a few days past the deadline before I start calling people to allow for straggler RSVPs to arrive in the mail. 
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