Wedding Invitations & Paper

rsvp cards

I was thinking of doing rsvp postcards to save on postage but where does the return address go? Do you have to have the line that seperates the address from the rsvp info? Can someone post a pic of what one looks like that is ready to be mailed.

Re: rsvp cards

  • One side of the postcard would have the address that RSVP's are to be sent (your address, or whoever is hosting) with a stamp already affixed.

    The opposite side will be the RSVP info, where guests write in their names/numbers:
    Please respond by "date"
    __ number attending
    __ declines

    These don't need to be like vacation postcards where there's a picture on one side and a split opposite side with the info on one and address on the other. Just do address on one side, info on the other.

    When you say "return address" I'm assuming you mean the address to which RSVPs should be sent. You wouldn't actually put a return address on the RSVP, since that address would be different for each guest.

    Hope that makes sense.
  • I did RSVP postcards.  One side had my home address on it, and the other side looks like this:

    photo trex2_zps7ab4e9b0.jpg
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I am using post cards from the place where our wedding is being held since I thought it would be fun. I just purchased a bunch of postcards in lots of different designs I liked for about $25 each.
    Since these are real postcards they all have an image on the front.
    The back is split in half. On the right side I am writting in our address and putting the stamp and on the other half I am having a stamp made that says RSVP etc so the guests can fill in the info.

    hope that helps. Certainly not for very formal invitations but great for destination type or more casual affairs where the venue is special- as it is to us.

    Saves on postage and an extra envelope!
  • Opps I meant the postcards cost 25 cents each!
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