Wedding Invitations & Paper

Seating chart or cards

Hello everyone,

I have been struggling with the seating card/chart idea.

Typically, do you have a chart with everyone's names and table numbers posted and at their table they find their seat with their name tag? 

OR just a name tag on a table in the lobby with their table number? 

I'm just thinking that the hall may need to know exactly where a vegetarian is sitting... I really have no idea. 



Re: Seating chart or cards

  • You should probably contact your hall and double check whether or not they need to know where a vegetarian is sitting. If they do, then your best bet would be to do escort cards rather than a seating chart.
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  • Are you having a plated dinner (where each guest can pick a different entree?) or a buffet?

    If you don't need to indicate which guest gets what meal, I'd probably make it easier on yourself and do a seating chart.  If you need to indicate which guest picked chicken, steak, etc. I'd do escort cards where each guest takes their name card to their table and the wait staff knows what their selection is based on whatever system you use (different colors, shapes, etc.).
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