Wedding Invitations & Paper

RSVP response card wording regarding number of kids under a certain age

I'm trying to word my response cards to know how many kids under a certain age because the kids meal price is less than age 10. I need an idea how to put that in wording. Example below:
M _____________________________
______ Accept
______ Decline

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Re: RSVP response card wording regarding number of kids under a certain age

  • M___________________________________________--

    ___Number of children 10 & under...

    however, shouldn't you know by your guestlist who is 10 & under already?
  • Thank you................. yes I know most of the ages.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Assuming you know the guest list, I wouldn't put it on the response card. I think it would just lead to confusion.
  • I wouldn't put it on the RSVP unless you are listing other meal choices. Then it could be: __beef __chicken __vegetarian __children 10 and under Otherwise, if there is no meal selection, I would just call any guests where you're not positive of the kids ages. Say something like, "hi, we just got your RSVP in the mail, and we're very excited that you and the family are coming! Just to double check, is Jimmy 9 or 10 now? We're trying to get a count of kids, and I couldn't remember when his birthday was."
  • Ditto Bonzo, I would skip it unless you have other meal choices on the card and then call people on the few that  you might not be sure of.
    I'm a Mrs & My Honeymoon Memory
    Wedding Items For Sale
  • __beef
    __children 10 and under

    Hopefully people don't think they can request children 10 and under as a menu option! :)
  • The favor of a reply is requested on or before April 20, 2013 Name_______________________ Number of persons_________   Sorry unable to attend______   Menu Selection (please indicate number of each) ___Filet Mignon  ___Chicken ___kids under 10 meal   
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