Wedding Invitations & Paper

Template help!

I bought a laura ashley DIY invite set and i have no instructions or template to get me started. PLz help me, i'm lost here =)

Re: Template help!

  • I would need a little more info about the set. Is it basic stationary that you need or want a templet to type set in hun? If so, they may not offer a templet- however I could help you get it typset if necessary. :) Let me know. :)
  • That is really weird! Generally invitation kits have instructions.

    I'd take it back to the store where you bought it and inquire if you can check other boxes to see if perhaps if there are instructions. If not, then do a google search for "Laura Ashely invitation templates" and see what you get. You may have to google a few things, but something should come up.

    If you don't get anything, then I'd recommend getting someone who is really familiar with Microsoft Word to help you. I was able to figure out how to make templates for all my paper stuff on my own. Too involved to try to explain but check with family, friends and coworkers.......someone has to know how

    Good luck.
  • LFKLFK member
    Knottie Warrior 100 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited February 2012
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