Wedding Invitations & Paper

Save the Date Post Cards

This might be a stupid question ....but, we are doing post card save the dates. Would I use real post cards (like store bought) or would I print them off myself ,or does it matter? Which one is easier? or cheaper to do?

Re: Save the Date Post Cards

  • eh... I'd order them to make sure they look good.  Lots of places offer them for pretty cheap - check out vistaprint.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Vista print also has a lot of living social deals.  $10 for $50 or $17 for $70. Keep an eye out =)
  • Check out Zazzle. Great quality, lots of options (choose from already created templates or use your own image), and they regularly have sales (got mine 50% off). I was very pleased with mine and received alot of compliments.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Sorry OP, I just realized that I responded to your post over on the NOLA board too.  :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I ordered mine from
    I think it's about $16 for 100
    I ordered 300 and it came to $35 including shipping which I thought was good
  • I got 500 for $35 from Vistaprint.  I did 2 different designs.  Google free postcards from Vistaprint and then you can get 250 for free!  Beware, order them early because they charge lots for shipping if you want them fast.  Mine took 4 weeks because I wasn't paying $30 for shipping.
  • The free ones don't include the photos, do they?
    Daring to dream a bigger dream
  • Try, they offer a bunch of postcards for very affordable. And you can customize them completely.
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