Wedding Invitations & Paper

Save the Date spelling mistake

I ordered my save the dates online last week and I just realized that I spelled the word accommodations with only 1 m. I have always been a bad speller and am really self-conscious about it. The online company says there is nothing they can do unless we reorder. Now I can't decide if we should reorder, just fix it with pen, or pretend it doesn't exist. What should I do?

Re: Save the Date spelling mistake

  • Depends on cost.  If it isn't in the budget just pretend it didn't happen!  :)
    April 2013 Siggy Challenge: Save The Dates
  • If it were the actualy invitations I would re-order, but since it's not even the official invitation I wouldn't worry about it. I actually misspelled our wedding website on my dave the dates! I freaked out at first, but soon realized the only thing people keep or *really* pay attention to is the invitation. SO no worries!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • There's a chance no one will notice anyways. Dont stress.

    October 2012 December Siggy: Favourite Wedding Picture
    PIC_281copy1 Anniversary
  • If you can afford it, reorder. If not, then send them out as is - don't try to correct with a pen.
  • PeavyPeavy member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    If you can afford to reorder - and remember, you don't need to reorder the envelopes, so it won't be as much - then do.  This is the very first impression your guests are going to get of your wedding.

    Don't try to correct it with a pen, that will only draw attention to the mistake.
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