Wedding Invitations & Paper

Mass mailing labels- help

Hi ladies, I want to enter my guests mailing addresses somewhere where I can print mass labels without having to individually enter them. Does anyone have any tips or ideas on what program will let me print mass mailing labels for invitations? Or how did you go about making labels for invitations?


Re: Mass mailing labels- help

  • You don't make labels for invitations.  Invitations should be hand-written, or at the very least printed directly on the envelope.  Labels are for junk mail.
  • We did clear labels, and no one has complained so far.  I know it's not 'proper etiquette' to do so, but we didn't have money for a calligrapher, and none of us have post-office-readable handwriting. 

    If you have the addresses in an Excel spreadsheet, you can do a Mail Merge with Word.  If you get a label with an Avery template, you should be able to open that in Word with the Mail Merge tool and pull the info from your Excel sheet.  It does a good job of walking you through it, though you'll still have to format things afterwards.

    Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength, and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend. - Andrew Futral

  • The cheating version of calligraphy is to send the envelopes thru the printer and print the addresses, etc. in light grey with the font of your choice and then trace over the printing with a marker or pen.  Works great!

    Best wishes.

  • BTW...the Excel to Word mail merge feature also works to print directly to envelopes too!  Smile
  • I agree.  Don't you labels.  I just got a STD with a label on it and it was the first thing I noticed and commented on... like before the STD itself, before the wedding date, before anything.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • This ^

    The envelope that you invitaton arrives in is the very first impression your guests get of your event and sets the tone for what's inside...and you don't get a second chance to make a good first impression.
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