Wedding Invitations & Paper

Invitation wording?

Both our parents are making contributions to the wedding and I'd like their names on the invitation. Just want to make sure it looks okay...

[My Dad and My Mom's names]
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter

[My Name]
[His Name]

son of [His Dad and His Mom's names]

Wednesday, the eighth of August
two thousand twelve
half after three o'clock

at [Church name]
[Church address]
[City State]

Reception immediately to follow
at [Reception Hall name]
across the street at [Address]

not sure about whether I need the whole address for the reception since it really is right across the street from the church, they won't even need to park twice. It's just not a part of the church so I don't know if there would be confusion at all? Thanks~
imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Re: Invitation wording?

  • Well, if both parents are contributing and you want them to be recognized that way, your wording doesn't really accomplish that.   Your wording recognizes your FI's parents but not as hosts.   Do you know what they would prefer?
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