Wedding Invitations & Paper


Ok, FI and I have been working on getting the addresses we need for our guest list. We're sending out about 160 invites and I'm worried that if I send them to a physical address instead of a PO Box they'll be returned. How would I know unless I call all of them?

Re: Addresses....

  • PeavyPeavy member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    And how would you know they'd been received at a PO Box?  You will have a return address on your invitation, so if it's not deliverable, it will be returned to you.  But if you are verifying addresses, this won't be an issue.  You will know your invitation has been received when you get the response cards back.  If someone doesn't return the card, THEN you call to make sure they've received the invitation.
  • Ok, I guess I was just over thinking it. I just don't want like 30 being returned. That would be such a waste of time and postage.
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