May 2013 Weddings

freaking out VENT WR

I haven't looked at our list since FI mentioned adding his Aunt ... so tonight I did because I want to finish my last 7 save the dates ...

We are at 97 people invited .... 97 I am beyond freaking out right now!!!

I just spoke with my niece about her not bringing the baby to the wedding and finally felt good with that but now this list has me freaking out

Assuming every one comes 97 people that's a lot! Most of the OOT guests are family and they say there coming OMG

Oh and might I add that 2 guys on my list have girlfriends and have not mentioned them to me ... aghhhh this is why I wanted to ELOPE

Vent over .... BREATHING trying to at least

Please tell me I'm not alone at being over my list ...

Re: freaking out VENT WR

  • edited November 2012
    What was your max for guests invited? Is there any you can cut before you send those save the dates out? I just finished the rest of mine and I was proud that my guest list was only 386 ppl lol. ( Thats why we waited 5 years to get married so we could have a large wedding)

    Also do you not want kids at your wedding?
  • Are you over capacity for your venue if everyone shows up? Or are you mainly worried about the cost?
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  • In Response to Re:freaking out VENT WR:[QUOTE]What was your max for guests invited? Is there any you can cut before you send those save the dates out? I just finished the rest of mine and I was proud that my guest list was only 386 ppl lol. Thats why we waited 5 years to get married so we could have a large wedding Also do you not want kids at your wedding? Posted by mysi019[/QUOTE]

    Originally we agreed between 80 to 85 people after family and significant others our list grew to 97 and no Fi and I discussed no babies. Our kid age group is 10 and over this is formal event an we have only 5 kids that are coming there cousins that's it. My foot is down there. My nieces daughter will be a fresh 1 yr old I'm sorry but I do not want deal with any disturbances considering our wedding is outside we will already have normal noise to beat.
  • In Response to Re:freaking out VENT WR:[QUOTE]Are you over capacity for your venue if everyone shows up? Or are you mainly worried about the cost? Posted by aprahamian2[/QUOTE]

    Technically we are not over capacity however it puts us over budget over my 3rd rearranged budget!!! Plus all addresses have been requested therefore the list is final no more save the dates going out PERIOD I'm just freaking out if every one does RSVP yes!!!!
  • melb2013melb2013 member
    2500 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited November 2012
    I'm with you, girl.  I wanted a 50 person wedding... our list is at 165!!!!!!  FI's family is so huge... see my weekend vent.

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


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  • In Response to Re:freaking out VENT WR:[QUOTE]I'm with you, girl. nbsp;I wanted a 50 person wedding... our list is at 165!!!!!! nbsp;FI's family is so huge... see my weekend vent. Posted by melb2013[/QUOTE]

    When we talked wedding back in 2011 50 was our number then we became realistic to 85 now at 97 I'm freaking out. I mean who knows I know that at least 3 people aren't coming but it's 94 still a lot and I don't want to go off of maybes lol to risky too. I'd rather prepare my budget for more then less kwim. Girl 165 people is over our venue capacity!!!!!! I have stage fright I couldn't do it!!!
  • I feel the same way !!! I wanted to elope to Hawaii but FI wanted a wedding and he convinced me.  I was on board but he wanted 50 people and that was not goign to happened. My brother had 520 people invited and all of them actually showed up. As of today we have 200.   
  • I hear you! FI found 4 more people to invite yesterday... I do not have enough save the dates now (about 8 short not including parents and wedding party) and am seriously just considering burning all of them to make myself feel better. They cause me way too much anguish and I don't like them anyway. eople can just wait for invites.
    Stay strong!! This will finally be over in 6 months ;)
    May 2013 Brides February Siggy photo invitessiggy_zpscfc27989.jpg Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • edited November 2012
    I feel like a lot of us are in the same boat with having numbers higher than we wanted...I was thinking 200 and we are at 271! There have been so many times (especially recently) when I have said man, we should have had a private ceremony at the church and hopped on a plane, just the two of us. It's super stressful when the numbers keep adding but hopefully more than just 3 won't be able to make it to yours! I know it's hard and FI might not understand, but just be firm with him that you absolutely cannot invite any more people.
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  • deviousmusedeviousmuse member
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited November 2012
    I agree with PP, I think this is becoming a common issue. We originally wanted a small-ish wedding of 75, which turned into 100, which is now at 130. I'm definitely feeling a little overwhelmed and nervous if they all RSVP yes. Definitely more than what our budget accounted for, but that's why I'm saving extra... just in case.
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    December Signature: Holiday Favorites imageLilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • I know how you feel! We originally wanted about 125 and we're currently at 178. Eek! It'll be very tight for our ceremony if everyone comes. Going from a little over 100 to closer to 200 makes the shy part of me really freak out.
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  • I wanted a small wedding too but my invited list quickly jumped to about 260. FI's family is huge. 
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  • Looks like we are all in the same boat. We didn't want to go over 150, but thanks for FMIL, we are up to 180 I believe. But she is covering the reception, so we can't really say anything about it. It only bothers me because a good handful of the people she invited, he has met maybe once in his lifetime, and I have never met. Also we made it very clear at the beginning of the planning that we wanted to it be small(ish) and not go over 150. We were even hoping for 125.

    While I really do enjoy the wedding planning and all, I can't wait for May 18th when we are finally MARRIED and it's all over! lol

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  • I'd also like to add that I'm upset that we're having such a large wedding not just because of the money or the fact that it's not what I wanted, but also because I feel like we're only doing it for FI's family.  My family is going to be slightly horrified at the number of people- this is considered a big wedding by their standards (super small by FI's family's standards) and my family considers big weddings to be showy.  Ugghhhhh Is it too late to elope?

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


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  • Trust me, I am right there with you. If it was up to me, we'd have twenty people. FI wanted a "real" wedding with family, so I agreed. And then I counted the size of our families...

    We have 176 aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents between us! Add in bridal party, friends & family friends and we are over 330 people!

    Hot dogs it is! ;)

    gettin' hitched 05.04.13
  • Wow some of you ladies are having a huge wedding guest wise! I know not everyone will make it but the number has me worried. There is still 6 months lol
  • Today my mom and I went to check out a different church because of our continuously growing list. I thought we had it finalized but I was so wrong. Now that we found the bigger church it's just going to get worse. I have always wanted a big wedding, but with our guest list at 272 and on the rise, I am just hoping I can get down the aisle without passing out...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    May 2013 January Siggy


  • My parents originally wanted to invite several extended family members, most I've never met or last time I saw them I was a baby/toddler. I said no, FI and I want to know everyone that's there and not ask who people are or wonder if they're wedding crashers, lol! Numbers are looking good right now at 120, nobody wanting to add people at this point. I anticipate about 10-15 Nos.
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    White Knot

    Planning Bio-Added FOR SALE page, will be adding more stuff to it soon! 
  • I originally wanted 130, we're up to 180. It is so ridiculously stressful!!! I can't wait until the 19th of May and all this craziness will be over!
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