May 2013 Weddings

Biggest headache

I was just wondering what is the one thing you worry the most about this wedding.  
My main concern is money ... ahhhhh I have so much in my plate I usully work 8 to 10 hours a day, my intership, and school and it seems the budget and the guestist keeps growing. 

 Venting ... my FI lost his job a few weeks ago and I know he applies to jobs every single day but i get so frustratuated bc I sometimes think we are not going to make it.  We are paying for this wedding by ourselves. 

Re: Biggest headache

  • I think my biggest worry right now is space at our church. We can do the ceremony fine, our sanctuary is small but we can do 180 max. Our congregation has just started a building project for a new sanctuary and so that construction is going on as well. In a dream world the new sanctuary will be ready by next spring but we're not counting on it. Due to the construction the parking spaces are reduced significantly and people are going to have to park on the street and walk a block or so. At one time I did look into a couple places that do valet service for private parties but the cost was too high and minimum time too long for it to make sense.
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  • I am also stressed about money and time.... I know exactly what your going through I work full time and go to school full time. FI also got laid off in June and just started working again in September... We are paying for everything our selves too after looking at our budget I panic but i know everything will be okay in the end...
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  • Money def. We bugeted so I know we can pay for it, I just hate having to wait to get stuff paid off.
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  • Mine is making sure that we are able to get FI's brother and sister-in-law and his sister and nephew here for the wedding.  I have a feeling we're going to have to foot the bill, so I'm watching airfares like a hawk.
  • Money, I work full time but Fi works part time and goes to school full time. Our parents are each contributing x amount of dollars for us to use any way we see fit and the rest is our responsibility. I set a budget for what I though we could do ourselves however things always come up that we didnt plan for, like our furnace not working properly etc. I still think we will be fine but with all the deposits down there is no backing out now. I think its just becuase its getting close-6 months away not alot of time to make up $ up if something hits the fan.
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