May 2013 Weddings

Happy Friday!

Good morning, ladies! I'm so glad it's finally Friday! 

What do you all have going on this weekend? 

I'm really excited for the weekend. My dress came in on Tuesday so I'm going to put it on tomorrow and inspect it and see how I like it with my shoes! I can't wait to put it on!

On Sunday, FI and I are going to pick up our wedding bands which also came in on Tuesday. I'm excited to put it on with my e-ring now that it's my real size. I can't wait to see FI's ring on his hand in his real size, also. 

After that we're heading to FMIL's to have a pre-Thanksgiving dinner so I'll be eating everything in sight :)

Re: Happy Friday!

  • My parents are driving from Michigan to Fargo/Moorhead for Thanksgiving. My grandma is 97 and still lives there plus my sister is up there too. They are spending this weekend with FI and I. Hope to get my dad measured for his tux at some point. We want to take them to a local place featured on Diners Driveins and Dives, plus a mini-Thanksgiving dinner for the 4 of us.
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  • Working tomorrow and then Dinner with FI family Sunday. They are having spaghetti, alfredo pizza and breadsticks, so on top of bringing desssert I have to come up with veggies and such so this gluten free girl will have food to eat ;)
    Also, FI Grandpa should be arriving today for deer hunting (WI holy week lol)

    That should fill my weekend :)
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  • I work most of today after I get out of class.  Tomorrow I'm meeting a friend for coffee before work.  I'm also going to see my parents for a bit tomorrow as well.  Sunday, my FI and I are spending most of it together and I'm trying a new crockpot chili recipe.
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  • Tonight I have a tastefully simple vendor show, then we're driving to FI's hometown to hang with some friends tonight and tomorrow his is cousins 25th surprise birthday party. :)
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  • CamiB30CamiB30 member
    edited November 2012
    On Saturday, we're spending some of the day with my family, my Dad bought some kind of Living Social deal to a vineyard nearby so we're all getting together as a family to do that. Should be fun!
    Sunday my best friend and I are going shopping for her BM dress, I'm ordering my BM dress for my cousins wedding (which is a month before mine) and having lunch together. Her boyfriend and my FI are going to hang out and watch football together while we're doing that.

    Happy Friday all!!
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  • Tonight I'm doing mass cleaning of my house! Tomorrow Fi comes home for thanksgiving break he'll be home about 9 days!!! Sending out my last 7 std's! Sunday not much family lunch! Kind of chill since we're broker than Broke lol
  • Rdr:  That sounds like a super fun WR weekend!
    becky: I LOVE triple D!  I've never gone to a restaurant that's been on the show that wasn't amazing and cheap!

    FI's birthday was last weekend, but that was his sister's wedding, so we're celebrating tomorrow.  We're going out to dinner and then to his favorite bar- it's this bar where you tell them flavors you like and they create a cocktail for you.  Before that, we're going to this one part of Boston that has a bunch of Japanese stores- I want to buy nice origami paper because I'm making our wedding thank you cards with some origami flowers.
    Sunday we need to clean, do major grocery shopping, and cook.  I need to test out this one recipe for Thanksgiving.

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  • We are having an early Thanksgiving with my dad's side tomorrow. I'm so excited... we don't get to see that side much and there is going to be tons of yummy food! Sunday we plan on watching some Packers football and relaxing.
    Nothing really WR this weekend.
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  • Saturday is a day full of wedding-related stuff.  My sister-in-law and step-niece, along with FI's sister, niece, nephew, brother-in-law and parents are all coming into town.  The guys will get measured for tuxes and FI will model his top 3 choices for feedback.  Then the guys will leave and us girls will work on Jr Bridesmaid/flower girl dresses.  We'll probably all meet up for lunch, then FI's sister, niece, mom and I will go look for invitation paper while the guys shop/hangout/drink beer.  Then, after everyone leaves, his parents are coming for dinner.  So, I'll be rushing around to get the house tidied up tonight, since I've been sick the last 2 days and haven't gotten much done.
    But, I think this is the last major part of the wedding planning stuff.  Then it's just little things from here on out (I hope).
  • FI and I are going out tonight to celebrate my birthday (which is next Saturday, but we'll be OOT), and meet up with some friends.

    The rest of the weekend will be a blur of hanging out with FSS, watching football and PICKING UP MY WEDDING DRESS!!! :)
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  • Tonight: shopping with FI then going to a bar with friends. 
    Tomorrow: going to the UC football game, then hurrying home to watch Ohio State play, then going to the Transsiberian Orchestra with FI and meeting friends after.
    Sunday: football and work.

    It's been a horrible week at excited to relax this weekend!
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