May 2013 Weddings

Who DOESN'T Have there dress?

I don't. Boo, I'm supposed to wait to go home and pick one at the end of July...thinking about hitting a few bridal shops before hand to get a feel for what I want. But iv been putting that off to because I don't have any friends Down here... :( extra sad lol. Oh well.

Re: Who DOESN'T Have there dress?

  • I don't have mine yet but go shopping for the first time in less than 2 weeks!
  • Sorry you don't have anyone to go shopping with :(
    May 2013 October Siggy - The Honeymoon Walt Disney & Daytona Beach imageFollow Me on Pinterest
  • I don't have mine.
  • MrsItsTrickyMrsItsTricky member
    10 Comments First Anniversary
    edited March 2012
    I don't have mine yet! No big deal we still have lots of time.
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  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:ea657a87-d1dc-4588-999f-31c9deeef720Discussion:58601d94-18c4-476f-b639-b3742012df0fPost:4b766176-1720-4c3c-8856-45108f537a19">Re: Who DOESN'T Have there dress?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sorry you don't have anyone to go shopping with :(
    Posted by SRRL18[/QUOTE]

    I KNOW! So lame lol oh well. It's hard to make friends when I'm not into the bar scene (im only 22) and I'm constantly working and I can't really befriend anyone I work with to be out of work friends because I'm in upper management. Blah lol I'm just relieved to know I can comfortably pay off my dream wedding in cash. Which is awesome.
  • I don't have my dress either ... I'm waiting until first weekend in June when all the mothers around
  • I haven't gotten mine yet either and haven't started shopping for one glad I'm not alone!!  I won't start going to bridal salons until after my graduation in Mayish.  I have been looking at pictures online and such so I've been developing ideas of what I'm looking for.
    May 2013 August Siggy Challenge
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  • I have not started looking yet. Waiting until June when I can shop with my mom.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I havent gotten mine yet either, I am gioing March 31st to a shop, april 7th to a second and April 28th to a 3rd hopefully find one then
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  • Whew...I'm glad im not alone either. Alot of the may 2013 brides are so ahead of the game! I'll get there, in time lol
  • No dress here either.  I think I'm going to start looking in June.  We have more than enough time!

  • edited March 2012
    I only have my dress because we originally thought we would get married this September and we changed to May '13. :) You've got lots of time!
  • i don't have mine yet either.. though i have been looking. i have narrowed it down and i am heading to Klienfelds next week for one last look before i decide.However.. GIRLS WHO DON"T HAVE THEIR DRESSES: and you haven't looked yet... here are some hints.. if you find a dress on line... and you want to try it one in a store.. just becuse the store says they carry it.. they just carry the brand.. not the dress. call ahead of time if you are 100% set on that dress to find out who has it.  Good bridal shops will take your info wat you want to try on and have it ready for you when you get there.... print out pic's of dresses that you like. so even if they don't have that dress.. they can find like dresses for you.  and one last thing... ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF IT! YOU ONLY DO IT ONCE~
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