So the bride who will remain nameless (I'm pretty sure you can all guess who it is... and no, not me!) has turned into the biggest bridezilla ever.
First the bridesmaids were told that we would be in charge of games, favors, and decorations for her shower and that she wanted a co-ed bachelorette bachelor party. Nobody offered to do these things for her- we were just told. Her mother is paying for the food (the big bill obviously). Bridesmaid A just had a baby with complications, bridesmaid B told us she was very busy and had limited funds and bridesmaid C lives across country and can't attend or contribute. So FI and I decided we would do some centerpieces, favors, and one game.
The bridesmaids all together decided to have guests bring recipes. I assumed that brides's mom would be sending the invites so I talked to her. Apparently the bride was picking out and sending her own invites (wtf?!), so I had to tell her about the recipe thing so she could include it on the invite.
I did mention to the bride that we were excited about planning her shower and I had gone shopping to get her surprises! Last week bride texted me to tell me that I should make sure I tell the bridesmaids what they owe me. I said that FI and I were handling everything, not to worry. She told me that I needed to demand the bridesmaids split it with me since she had paid for their showers she wanted payback. I said that FI and I were going to pay for it and decided to do this not expecting anything from everything and it was no big deal. She kept on me. So I told her that her other bridesmaids had a lot their plates, so this is why I was doing it myself. She flipped out and said I needed to tell them what I had done so they could offer to help and if they didn't offer, she didn't want them in her life anymore.
Then she discussed this with bridesmaid A and B. Bridesmaid B asked me what was going on with the shower mentioning that bride had told her to help more. I said we had it all handled but if she wanted to add something else, she was welcome to. She had no problem with this. Bridesmaid A asked me what I had done. I told her and she sent me this panic email saying that other people are close to the bride and I was taking over blah blah blah. I said I could return things if she wanted. She said no, she was just worried the bride wouldn't think she did enough.
Bride's FI emailed me and bridesmaid A today to say that bride was very stressed out and he thinks we've talked to her too much about the shower. He said we need to cut out talking to her about the shower so we don't stress her out.
Okay, I flipped out! Called my FI. Bride happened to call my FI a couple minutes later so he mentioned how her FI had emailed us. Ughhhhh
I sent an email to bride and her FI just saying that I don't like having to defend myself. I felt like they had put me in the middle of high school drama. I detailed how bride had gotten herself involved starting by asking for the shower in the first place. Then I said that if I was causing so much stress, I didn't think I would be attending the shower.
I'm sooooooo completely pissed off and if these weren't future in laws, I would have gone running for the hills a long time ago.
Thanks for anybody who read this super long rant.
May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations