May 2013 Weddings

Anyone not doing a honeymoon?

FI and I are buying a house right now and we're paying for 99% of our wedding - so by the time we actually get married, we're just not going to be able to afford a honeymoon. Probably not even for awhile after that lol

We may see if we can use FI's aunt's cabin on the lake for week (or even just for a few days) - so our only expenses would be food and entertainment. But we're not sure yet.

So we're probably just going to stay home - but going back to work right afterwards kind of bums me out lol though with it being Memorial Day weekend, we'll have an extra day off.

Maybe we can just save our vacation time and save up a little and do something in the fall?

Anyone else not having one? or not doing one right after?

Any inxpensive honeymoon ideas?
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Re: Anyone not doing a honeymoon?

  • If I were you, I would go with his aunt's cabin. Like you said, you wouldn't have many expenses and I think you would really enjoy a few days with no outside distractions. Sounds like it could have a romantic feel too.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We have a confrence to go to in Vegas about a month after the wedding  so we will probably tack an extra day or two on to that. Between money and time, we just can't do the honeymoon we want.
    May 2013 Brides February Siggy photo invitessiggy_zpscfc27989.jpg Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • I like the cabin idea. A little time to get away will be nice for you!
    May 2013 Brides February Siggy photo invitessiggy_zpscfc27989.jpg Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • I like your cabin idea. FI and I are inthe same boat. We are buying a house, paying for a wedding and paying off school loans. I also have this feeling that his car might blow up so we might have to get another car too.. We are hoping to be able to go, but who knows we are playing it by ear! If anything we might go on FI family vacation in July and take a few days for ourselves somewhere else alone!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Even if you stay home, you should take time off and have a stay-cation.  My FI and I did this for a week a couple years ago and we had so much fun! 

    My parents didn't have any vacation time because they had just started new jobs when they got married.  They went to the ocean a couple hours away and stayed two nights there.  They said it was really lovely.

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • We're in the same boat, paying for the wedding ourselves and selling our current house and then buying a new one next summer. We probably won't go on any big trip until 2014. FI's family has a cabin up north, and like you, we're considering going up there for a few days. Honestly, being alone together anywhere for a few days will be worth it after all the wedding festivities!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I like the cabin idea too :-) FI and I won't be doing a traditional honeymoon either, we'll probably do a stay-cation or go up to the North Shore for a couple days.
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    White Knot

    Planning Bio-Added FOR SALE page, will be adding more stuff to it soon! 
  • FI and I havent decided. We are saving up for a house but are getting some help for the wedding. When we first started planning our wedding we were doing it ourselves and cut out the honeymoon but things have changed and we have received some help so we might - although the money might probably be better of being put towards something else.

    We might take something small - I wouldnt mind going to Napa and just realizing, FI wanted to do something tropical and the beach, the people that live upstairs just went to Italy for 3 weeks for their honeymoon and were raving about it and so we were considering that too - but for only about a week. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We are doing a honeymoon registry. I'd never heard of it before I got engaged, but you are basically asking your guests to pay a part of the honeymoon versus traditional gifts. But, we also already have a house and don't need the other stuff! Just another idea...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker TnE0217
  • As of right now we are trying to plan the Honeymoon. We are hoping to go to Putna Cana ! We still have 1 more deps to put down and Im going to be getting my dress in the next month or so. So hoping before Thanksgiving we can put the deps down for the honeymoon..we'll see lol
    imageimage May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana
  • We're going to try and go on a honeymoon.  Granted, it'll be a short 5 day cruise, but honestly it'll be the first trip the two of us have ever taken together.  And we won't be able to afford any trips whatsoever for the next 2 and a half years while he's in PA school.  

    If you aren't doing a traditional honeymoon, at least do a staycation or just go somewhere for a few nights.  It'll be nice to just be able to relax with your (by that point) husband.
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