May 2013 Weddings

vent ughhh

one of my clients is late on her final payment. Grrr. This sets us back on the deposit for the DJ. I was so stoked to cross that off this week.
Jackie (Photographer by trade) & Patrick (Military Police Officer)
May 18, 2013
"I Love My Wounded Warrior"
May 2013 Brides November Sig: The venue

Re: vent ughhh

  • That Stinks...
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  • Oh geez if I had a dime for every time that happened... have you contacted her?  I find that most of my clients aren't trying to avoid payment, they just literally forget.  It's super annoying though and people never seem to comprehend that this is how you make your living- we don't get a salary, folks.

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  • yup, i feel ya. I'm going into my 8th yaer self-employed and it's always a pain. LOL. Yeah, she was travelling, so it's fine. I didn't expect her to bail since she was already several hundred dollars invested in her order, but STILL. I has budgeted for it. LOL
    All is well though, she got her paypal issue sorted out (guess the mobile app wasn't working for her yesterday and she was on the road for work) and it's paid... SO.... CHECK! DJ is paid!
    Jackie (Photographer by trade) & Patrick (Military Police Officer)
    May 18, 2013
    "I Love My Wounded Warrior"
    May 2013 Brides November Sig: The venue
  • Yay!!!  

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


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