May 2013 Weddings

I love the May 2013 brides....

I just have to say, yall, you all rock. I don't know how we lucked into such a nice, friendly group of brides, but we sure are fortunate.
I just peeked into the Military Brides board and O.M.G. Never again.
All it took was one post where a bride was called "douchetastic" for wanting a full ceremony after having a quick JP wedding while her DH was on leave from Afghanistan (and now he's home) and I'm Out the door as quick as I came in. Yeesh.
Jackie (Photographer by trade) & Patrick (Military Police Officer)
May 18, 2013
"I Love My Wounded Warrior"
May 2013 Brides November Sig: The venue

Re: I love the May 2013 brides....

  • Yikes, that's how the snarky brides board was for awhile and I ran from there.
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  • I totally agree. This is the nicest group of ladies. So many of the boards I've visited are full of not so nice remarks. Even if you disagree with someone, that's no excuse for name calling and rudeness. I am so glad we are part of such a great group!
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  • Yeah, I'm not even willing to step foot into the snarky brides board. I have a few girlfriends who I can get good and snarky/joking with, but I have no desire to have absolute strangers belittle me and my choices for their own entertainment, tyvm.
    Jackie (Photographer by trade) & Patrick (Military Police Officer)
    May 18, 2013
    "I Love My Wounded Warrior"
    May 2013 Brides November Sig: The venue
  • yikes! that is harsh! I do feel the same, my local board is boring, and the Get Fit board is the same conversation over and over again.. This is the best board!
    May 2013 Brides February Siggy photo invitessiggy_zpscfc27989.jpg Daisypath Wedding tickers LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • I have no problem with snarkiness in general and I am a pretty blunt person IRL which is quite out of character for a Minnesotan :-P I think one of the girls on my old month board (for my original date) is the mod for Military Brides.

    But yeah I definitely agree, we're awesome. I believe in speaking the truth if someone's going cray cray, but you don't have to take the biotch route to get your point across. The SB board just bugs the crap out of me. I mostly post here, my local board and sometimes on the Budget, DIY and Plus Size boards.
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  • Yea for us May 2013 Brides :) I love this board and check it EVERYDAY!! It's like you all are my girlfriends from a distance. Makes talking wedding better rather then to my friends and family who would get annoyed
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  • I completley agree this is my main board :-)
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  • I couldnt agree more. i was on the 2nd time board for a bit and just yeah not for me. Im blunt and sarcastic and pretty forward but i have tact. I love it here.
    Proud 36yr old Mama of 3, expecting #4 - 8yrs after #3 :)BabyFetus Ticker Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yeah, I love it here too. A lot of the boards end up just making me paranoid about anything I do and that someone is somehow going to find it "rude" or "tacky" and think "it's your wedding, do it yourself." My friends and family have had to shake me out of that a little bit and be like "We love weddings! We want to help you! Tell us details!" 
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  • Love everybody here!

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I love the May 2013 brides....</a>:
    [QUOTE]I couldnt agree more. i was on the 2nd time board for a bit and just yeah not for me. Im blunt and sarcastic and pretty forward but i have tact. I love it here.
    Posted by hisbabygirl76[/QUOTE]

    This is exactly it. I'm sarcastic as all get out, but there's a line between smartass and jackass. LOL
    Jackie (Photographer by trade) & Patrick (Military Police Officer)
    May 18, 2013
    "I Love My Wounded Warrior"
    May 2013 Brides November Sig: The venue
  • I agree this is a GREAT board! I like it better than most others between the fact that we know how to be appropriately supportive as well as that we have a nice array of topics =)
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  • I have only been around with you ladies for a bit, but so far I think you are all super helpful at sorting through random wedding planning.  Plus I am gett lots of great ideas!
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  • I couldn't agree more! When I ask a question, I definitely want honesty feedback, but I would not hang around this board if people were rude/condescending about it.
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  • I agree! This is a great, supportive board. We are all in this together ladies :)
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  • I tend to post mostly here, the student, budget, and diy boards.  But mostly because those are the nicer ones.  Except when someone goes to the student board and gives their opinion of how people in school are too young to get married and will regret it and it won't work, et cetera.  I'm blunt, but there's a difference between being honest and being mean.  

    The ladies on this board have always been honest but tactful about it.
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  • In case anyone was curious...

    The Military Brides board is generally welcoming and tactful with useful advice.  Unlike other boards, the MB girls often do have to interact with each other in real life as the military ends up being an extended family.  So learning how to interact in the military world is really important... and sometimes the way you represent yourself can negatively impact how you are viewed, and more importantly how your service member is viewed.  Which can affect promotions, assignments, etc. 

    We didn't call any names.  Someone suggested that the girl who posted made a "douchtastic" statement (not that she was douchstastic) because she said that her husband "sacrificed his life" by deploying for a few months and thus she "deserved" a big wedding.  Most of us know someone who literally sacrificed their life... it will not reflect well on her to make it sound like a deployment even closely relates to that level of sacrifice. We explained that tactfully, because it's much better she hear it now than say something like that within earshot of her husband's chain of command (aka his superiors). 

    For most people, this is not part of your life, and that's totally okay.  But for girls marrying into the military, it's really important to learn the do's and don'ts of this world, and more often than not you're going to learn this from other spouses, not from your service member.  If PJBHL5 would rather call us all jackasses for trying to tactfully explain that to someone, then in my opinion, she's got a lot to learn. Hopefully not the hard way.



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