May 2013 Weddings

Check: Honeymoon!

We took a vote and finally decided on Napa Valley! So excited! Just got back from Barnes & Noble where I bought a Wine Country travel book and sent away for various brochures!
July Siggy Challenge: Gown imageDaisypath Wedding tickers

Re: Check: Honeymoon!

  • Yay!  Wine country here we come!

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Yay! Are you guys honeymooning right after the wedding?

    July Siggy Challenge: Gown imageDaisypath Wedding tickers
  • We are!  Are you?  What's your date?  LOL we're like twins- we're taking the same honeymoon and we live in the same place.  I live about 45 minutes from Boston.

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Congratulations!!! That sounds amazing!!!
  • edited June 2012
    I think according to our tickers we're just a week apart! My wedding's May 24th.

    And we're actually not honeymooning right away. FI is a schoolteacher and so we'dhave to wait another 4 weeks for summer vacation to start before we could honeymoon (we were going to do an August wedding, too, but the country club offered us a huge off-season discount for anything before May 31st so we took it to save $$).

    Although I'll have to do a little research into the best times of year to visit (I've never been, which I know as a chef is shameful!! hahaha) I know that summer is not only high-season and packed with tourists, I'm not sure I could tolerate that kind of heat. I've got the idea of February school break knocking around in my head, but I don't know if I want to wait that long either.
    July Siggy Challenge: Gown imageDaisypath Wedding tickers
  • Congrats! We decided the other day that we are definitely going to Italy, yay :)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Congrats I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to wine country! I was sooo happy to see I am getting married on National Wine Day- may 25th :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Check: Honeymoon!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think according to our tickers we're just a week apart! My wedding's May 24th. And we're actually not honeymooning right away. FI is a schoolteacher and so we'dhave to wait another 4 weeks for summer vacation to start before we could honeymoon (we were going to do an August wedding, too, but the country club offered us a huge off-season discount for anything before May 31st so we took it to save $$). Although I'll have to do a little research into the best times of year to visit (I've never been, which I know as a chef is shameful!! hahaha) I know that summer is not only high-season and packed with tourists, I'm not sure I could tolerate that kind of heat. I've got the idea of February school break knocking around in my head, but I don't know if I want to wait that long either.
    Posted by ChefBride524[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>We'll probably already be there and gone by your wedding, let alone honeymoon.  Summers do suck for vacationing anywhere!  Maybe you could just take a short trip- my parents went away for a two night honeymoon and then took a long honeymoon a year later.


    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • We have no idea yet, I am letting FI pick exactly where he wants to go since I convinced him to do europe with me this summer & then we are doing the big wedding which wasnt his idea (although now he is very excited)

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Congrats! 

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