So I invited my niece and her Fi to my wedding. They have an 8 month old baby who will be a little over a 1 yr by time my wedding comes. Fi and I decided a while ago we didn't want babies at the reception. The only children coming are over age of 10 and family there are 5. If the baby was 10 would be different story but Fi and I made this agreement. We also told his cousin they couldn't bring there 3 and 4 yr old. Well I tried to call my niece to talk with her about she recently receive the std in the mail an took pic of her with baby holding std saying we can't wait! While its cute I want to tell her before she buys plane tix and hotel that the baby can't come. I tried to call two days ago and got her voicemail. So I sent her fb message to call me I wanted to talk with her about something. She responded cell service is bad from sandy she lives up North. Well I still haven't heard from her. My question is would it be bad to tell her through fb that we aren't having babies or should I still try get ahold of her? Rumor has it she had said if she can't bring baby she won't come period. My birth mother lives about 20 min from her I know she would do it but I don't want throw her in the middle. Thanks for advice ladies!