This is going to be a long vent but I dont really have anyone else to vent to so here goes.
The wedding is getting to me, I keep trying to make everyone happy & the more I keep doing the more they are asking.
I have had a VERY rocky past with my parents, especially over the last year. We are really trying to work things out, they have offered to help with the wedding & we graciously accepted. We had April 20th all picked out, venue booked, & some vendors as well, this was when I was not in speaking terms with my parents. Over the past few months they reached out to me and I accepted & things have been much better. April 20th didnt work for them since my sister would be in the middle of exams & could very well not be able to attend the wedding (her university has exams 7 days a week and exams go till 10 pm every day). That is fair, I would be upset if my sister wasnt able to come. There wasnt any other days available at the venue we booked that would work for us. And also, my parents claimed the venue was too small for the amount of people they wanted to invite. So we have to look for a new venue. Sure
FI & I can put together a guest list of 60 people TOGETHER. My parents said they need atleast another 100. I have a big family sure, but they think they need to invite everyone whose ever invited them to a wedding. Sure.
FI's best friend/best man is a rower, & he will be in Australia if all goes will all of May & June for a championship, my FI really wants him there, rightfully, so anything past EARLY May does not work. Okay sure, May 4th it is. I start calling around venue after venue trying to find one I like & that my parents deem fit (they are very picky) & that has our date available. Most are booked other i am not interested in.
I find my current venue, FALL IN LOVE WITH IT over pictures, go see it in person & love it. FI loves it. They have our day available. YAY! Ask my parents to see it, they say they like it - then my dad goes home & tells me he doesnt like the hardwood floors - they are too dull apparently. The windows arent nice enough. REALLY? So I send the event planner an email asking if they can polish the floors before the wedding, she hasnt gotten back to me yet.
In the meantime, my dad starts looking for more venues - his office had a christmas party at this venue & he liked it so he emails them. They get back to him & they dont have may 4th available but they do have june 29th, which is my FI's birthday & the day before my birthday so we dont want that day. My parents tell me that i shouldnt be so adament on the date & I should try make it work for everyone. At this point I just break down & start crying. I cannot make everyone happy, I keep giving in & when will it stop. This day doesnt work for our bestman either.
The only vendor I really care about is my photographer. I REALLY want to use her, she is amazing & she had may 4th available as well so I thought it was perfect! We had her booked for April 20th and she also had May 4th so she said she would change the date for us, no problem. Nope, my parents want me to look into someone else, my dads 2nd cousin or so forth is a "photographer". He has done family stuff before & I have never liked his work. There was nothing special about it, just basic photos. i do not wantt to give this up. I would love to find a venue that works on May 4th so that FI's best friend can come, I can have my photographer & I can stop stressing.
I dont know what to do. Thanks to whomever read that - it was long & pointless but I had to get it out. Has the stress gotten to anyone else? How do I keep everyone happy, get what I want atleast some of the times & not be completely stressed out? I'm thinking its not possible.