May 2013 Weddings

So we saw the ceremony site!!!! Pics of it are included

The picnic was great, I think we packed a little bit to much food honestly but it was still very tasty. 

I have until the day of to decide if I wanna do it outdoors or indoors but I think just so I really wont have anything to worry about at all I am going to use the chapel. I walked into the chapel and was breathtaking. Unfortuanley I did not get pics of the endside of the chapel but here are just some random ones of the village. 

Pretty neat and I am super excited!!! I feel like May 25th cant get here soon enough lol

  kids Bedroom

This is part of the kitchen and the buckets on the left is what they used to take a bath. They all took baths in the kitchen.
  This was made out of actual hair.
Im pretty sure this was called the mother hens house because it looks like the house has "wings" and then the middle part is where the mother protects all of her children. 
Part 1 of kitchen pantry
 Kitchen pantry part 2

 living room
 Plates, cups and silverware. Thats all they had. 
 Table and couch 
 Kitchen sink.

 kids bedroom

 some trees

 our picnic Laughing
 quick snapshot of the chapel and a little of FI too haha 
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