May 2013 Weddings

Saved On My Phtotographer..Yay Me.!

So I saved $880 dollars with my guy by cutting out the album from our photgraphy package. My sis made a photo album on Wedding Paper Divas/Shutterfly and it only costed her about $60, and it was soooo beautiful. So we changed to the photgraphy package where we just get all of our pictures on CD, 6 hours of coverage, and no album. I'm proud of me for sticking to budget. Cuz normally I Just wanted to share and maybe give you ladies an idea. Especially the DIY brides.
May 2013 January Siggy: Cake.!
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Re: Saved On My Phtotographer..Yay Me.!

  • VJones1981VJones1981 member
    edited July 2012
    Yay! It's so great to be able to save in such an easy way. If we hadn't won a free album, we would be doing the same thing. The DIY albums that you can design online are really nice, and you can make them look however you want. I made one on picaboo with the pictures from our trip to Disney World. They run a lot of promotions too! ETA: just make sure the photographer gives you the rights to all the pictures.
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  • Yay for savings!  FI and I are considering doing the album ourselves too - I convinced him to test it out with our engagement shot first and then we can decide if its something we can even manage lol.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yaay you! I just got the quote from the photographer I'm in love with and I was thinking about emailing her back asking if we can do this too so its funny you posted it! I just did an 8x8 book of our Epics for my mom for her bday and also as a test run of our guestbook and it looks AWESOME! I did it through Adoramapix because they were running a special and the quality is phenomenal! They were a lot more professional looking than Shutterfly and their layouts lay flat. Just a suggestion in case you want something like that for your own book =)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • yay...I wish I would of thought about that ! Maybe I still can !!

    imageimage May2013 October Siggy:Honeymoon:Putna Cana
  • Yea way to go! I had to get albums cause 1. I am not good at DIY stuff and 2 my mom and mother in law wanted a leather bound! Plus for 2300 we get e-pics, all day wedding coverage, prints, 3 albums, and rights to all pics!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    Check out and They are professional grade printing companies (Work with photographers, etc) and are CHEAP. Good way to save some dough ;)
    Jackie (Photographer by trade) & Patrick (Military Police Officer)
    May 18, 2013
    "I Love My Wounded Warrior"
    May 2013 Brides November Sig: The venue
  • That's a great savings!

    The first photographer we looked into for ceremony & 3 hours of reception coverage was $400 & will all of his other added stuff it was $1000.

    Personally, I'd rather get the wedding day coverage and do the extras ourselves. I don't know how nice of an album we could make on our vs what the photographer can do, but if we get the digital copies so we can print at our leisure, I'd rather a DIY album.

    $880 is a great savings!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Awesome! We are doing ours ourselves as well and I was actually wondring what some good sites to go through are... this helps! We are actually getting a flash drive with all our pics and the right to print them. 
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