May 2013 Weddings

Bridal Shower

Are you ladies involved in the planning and when are you having them? The only thing I'm doing is picking the theme which will be Carnival to go with the engagement pictures and buying mason jars.

Re: Bridal Shower

  • I was able to pick my theme...and give my suggestions other than that MOH is doing all the planning and search for things. My theme is 1950s housewife
  • Not having one... However I love your theme Mrs. Bad!
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  • I already had mine.  I helped pick out the colors and venue.  And cake..  We didn't do a theme
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  • Lets not get started with a shower. It is a sore subject. MOH thinks we still have a a lot of time to get stuff done which really after the holidays we don't. We are limited on when we can have it since my FSIL is due in the middle of march and once she has the baby she wont be able to do much. So looks like end of April, which kinda stresses me out. I picked a wine theme since we are getting married on National Wine Day! The problem I hear is everywhere my MOH has picked is very pricey and some of my BMs (sister) does not want to pay that much. MOH said she is doing it all and not to give my input.
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  • melb2013melb2013 member
    2500 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited November 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Bridal Shower</a>:
    [QUOTE]I already had mine.  I helped pick out the colors and venue.  And cake..  We didn't do a theme
    Posted by LB&SF[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Share pics of your shower!  I'm not doing one- just another thing to stress.  A wedding is more than enough parties for me.

    </div><div>Edited: forgot the NOT.  I'm NOT doing a shower.</div>

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


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  • I am having 2, one here and one in FI's hometown. I picked the theme, we're doing a recipe/kitchen shower for mine here.
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  • FSIL wants to throw one, but we haven't discussed much else about it. I can't say I want one... I'd rather do a couples shower, but FSIL has done so much for me with the wedding that I will let her have her fun. lol
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Bridal Shower</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Bridal Shower : Share pics of your shower!  I'm not doing one- just another thing to stress.  A wedding is more than enough parties for me. Edited: forgot the NOT.  I'm NOT doing a shower.
    Posted by melb2013[/QUOTE]

    I actually don't have any pics yet.  My dad took a couple.  My cousin thankfully took a ton for me but I haven't seen her to borrow her memory card yet.  We didn't take many pics actually, I'm kinda sad...  Everything happened so fast.
    May 2013 FebSiggy... Invite... Different Type of Ribbon/Knot Photobucket Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm not having one either. I am, however, making sure I have a kick a$$ bachelorette party!
    May 2013 Brides Siggy Challenge January- Let Them Eat Cake!
    My cake is a 2-tier ivory cake with silver dotted scallops, ribbon and pearl brooch.

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  • From what I know, my MOH and my mom are planning my shower. I don't know anything about it, though. 

  • Danny&Mel2003Danny&Mel2003 member
    1000 Comments First Anniversary
    edited November 2012
    My birth mother wants to plan it I told her make sure involve fmil and bridesmaids. The only thing I know will be at restaurant sometime in March.
  • I haven't heard anything about it from my MOH yet. I did mention to her awhile ago that while I would love a shower I don't want to deal with a bachelorette party.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • It's sounding like there will be 4 or 5 showers for us.  Families are huge, so each side will be having one, along with my co-workers, my mom's old neighborhood ladies in my hometown, and my friends will be having one too.  I don't plan on doing much for them, I'll let the planners do what they want.  I'll just make sure that I get my invite list to the people.
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