May 2013 Weddings

Have a feeling today is going to suck!

For the first time in weeks I went to bed before midnight I was ready to sleep a full 7 hrs and this morning the damn thunder was so loud it woke me and kept me up leaving me with under 6 hrs sleep. I'm exhausted I don't sleep well during the week for whatever reason and my body is starting to get overly exhausted. I figured whatever and headed to work. Well the phones ringing off the damn hook and another branch has asked me to take care of something without even checking the acct I say sure to see its not even my dept and the best part they told the client it would be done yesterday argh! An lastly a mass email went to my entire dept saying Happy Bday to my boss today that's nice right, well maybe I wouldn't be soo disappointed if someone had said happy bday to me when it was my bday. I know the last part is petty but ugh its only 10 am and I want to be in my big bed watching tv on my new tv!!!!

Re: Have a feeling today is going to suck!

  • Some days just suck. No matter how stressed I would get in the office, I would take 5 minutes with a cup of tea and have quiet time. Not a lot but a couple of minutes to re-charge will do more good than the work oyu could complete in those 5 minutes.
    I hope it gets better!

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  • Definitely sounds like a terrible, no good, very bad day- like that children's book :-)

    I found out my boss at LB will have me scheduled to close monday through friday next week since we're so short staffed. Loving the extra money part and having the weekend off, but still! That means I won't be able to get to the gym til the weekend :-(
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Have a feeling today is going to suck!</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>Definitely sounds like a terrible, no good, very bad day- like that children's book :-)</strong> I found out my boss at LB will have me scheduled to close monday through friday next week since we're so short staffed. Loving the extra money part and having the weekend off, but still! That means I won't be able to get to the gym til the weekend :-(
    Posted by SSaltzman87[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yes!  I have a super busy week too, and had the stomach bug two days ago that made me not sleep.  We all have sucky days.  Boooo.  Hope it gets better!</div>

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  • SRRL18SRRL18 member
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments
    I think it's sucky day day. I just wanna go to sleep.
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  • Thanks ladies it got worse by mid afternoon I ended up with ocular migraine but took alieve before the pain hit which made my migraine not as powerful thankfully that happened end of work day I'm trying rack in OT this week. Once I left work things got better. Fi came over and we cooked pretty awesome thin steak, rice and beans dinner. I even worked on my paper for class and read some leisurely. Productive day considering earlier. I also just realized I get to buy my cap and gown this month for graduation!!!! Hope every one else's day got better
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