A siggy challenge is not exactly a "challenge" persay. You are not competing with anyone nor are you voting on anyone. What knotties mean by "siggy challenge" is, the board votes on a particular subject (WR or NWR) and all the girls who want to participate on that board post a picture of what pertains to that subject in their siggy.
I suggested a few weeks ago about starting siggy challenges... I got a few responses so I figured we could start a siggy challenge this month... This month siggy challenge will be...
Your Favorite Picture of you and your FI.
How do I post a pic in my signature (siggy)?
Upload a picture to either www.photobucket.com or www.tinypic.com/ and copy the HTML code (PLEASE resize your picture first) and paste it into your signature (which you get to by clicking "update signature" on the left side of the board)
May 2013 January Siggy Challenge:The Cake!!!