This is back to school week. God help me. When I say that I've literally had 20 people want different lesson times for the school year and have only told me about this in the past three days, I'm not exaggerating. Honestly, why is it that you didn't know your kid's school schedule last week... why did you have to tell me the day before their lesson????
Guess what, folks, it's not a piece of cake to move you to another day or to make your lesson time an hour early/later... I have a full schedule. I actually make a living at this, so that means that every single after school hour is taken, so if I'm going to change your lesson time, I can only do so if some nice student wants to switch with you. How about making music lessons your time priority??? Like maybe??
I'm going to pull my hair out.
That is all.
May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations