May 2013 Weddings

AW: Wedding Band

I picked up my wedding band today, and finally got my engagement ring back! I had to send it out for 6 weeks so they could match it perfectly! I didn't want to take the band off, but I had to =( So now it sits in the fireproof box until next May =(

But I'm SO glad to have my e-ring back, I felt naked without it! =)

Re: AW: Wedding Band

  • Congrats on getting it back!  FI and I have to go shopping for our bands.  I am not looking forward to not having my e-ring....but I have to bite the bullet and get it done! LOL
  • Aww congrats! Do you have any pics?

    My FI and I got our rings a couple of months ago... lol ::blushes:: We went to Jared just to look, and ended up buying that day.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • how awesome to have your band and now your e ring back. FI designed my ring so our jeweler already said he will design my band to fit right with my e-ring. FI is happy with a tatinium band. I want it to be a nice one though.
    Proud 36yr old Mama of 3, expecting #4 - 8yrs after #3 :)BabyFetus Ticker Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • awesome.. we probably wont get ours till October.. I would be dying to put it on and wear it.. It would make me wish the wedding is this May
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yeah, here's a pic =) It's a Tacori e-ring, so they suggest you send your e-ring out to make sure the wedding band matches perfectly =)

  • That's beautiful!  I love Tacori rings <3

    We both have our wedding bands already.  When we picked out my e-ring, we found the perfect band to go with it.  We just bought it a couple months ago.  My fiance ended up buying his at the same jeweler.  

    May 2013 February Siggy: Invitations


    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Wow that is so gorgeous!! I have started to look into wedding bands but unfortunately mine doesn't come with one and is a really hard shape to match. :/ I hope to find something with a curve that I can work with because custom ones are way out of our budget. Congrats on your gorgeous set though!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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