

I really dont know anything about this venue but want to check it out so bad. when it stops raining i got to run over there! does anyone know anything about hartwood for weddings? pricing? how there wedding went if they planned it there? I would just like to know your options on places like this

Re: Hartwood

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    edited December 2011
    I found this information online about weddings at Hartwood.

    Did you contact them about availability?
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    edited December 2011
    not yet i just wanted to know if people thought it was worth the money. I wanted to just hear testimonies on here.
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    edited December 2011
    I'm looking at it for my own wedding next summer. It will be around $1500, I think for next year, for the +50 people all day option. One thing to be mindful of is that you have to be out by 7pm when the park closes.

    I myself am leary about the backup plan should it rain for the reception. The ceremony can easily be accommodated for with a tent.

    The woman that manages the weddings, Sharon, is really nice and helpful.

    It's a GORGEOUS location but the outdoor thing is a big risk and I'm still trying to figure out how to swing it.

    Best of luck!
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