Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Programs or no programs?

Hey guys, It's getting close for me (I'm a FEB bride) and I opted not to do programs.  One of my bff's thinks I def should do programs.  What do you all think??  Also we are having the wedding and reception in the same room, if that makes a difference. 

Re: Programs or no programs?

  • As a guest I like them so I can see how much longer a ceremony is going to be.  It's not necessary though so it's entirely up to you.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • I am still waffling on this myself. Most weddings I have attended did have programs, so I am leaning toward having them.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Programs or no programs?</a>:
    [QUOTE]As a guest I like them so I can <strong>see how much longer a ceremony is going to be</strong>.  It's not necessary though so it's entirely up to you.
    Posted by tldh[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>I totally agree... I also like to see the names of the people involved in case I am not familiar with them -makes me feel more connected to the wedding!

  • We're skipping them for ours. We have no wedding party, the ceremony will be about 10 minutes and there will be about 30 guests. I guess it depends on how big the wedding is. In our case it just wasn't worth adding another thing to the to-do list, but I can see how they'd be appreciated for larger/longer weddings.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Programs help keep your guests more involoved in the wedding. If you take the time to pick a maid of honor, best man, bridesmaid, ring bearer, as well as the specific music you pick include your guests by letting them know all the special people and other things involved on your day.
  • We had all that info on our wedding wesbite and we included the web address on our invites so I'm thinking maybe we don't need programs?

  • Having the info on the website isn't really a substitute for programs. A name on a computer weeks before the wedding is hard to connect with that hot groomsman now standing in front of me.

    That said, if your ceremony is simple, programs are not required. Just make sure to announce your wedding party (and parents) during the reception.
  • I like having a program - as PP's said, it allows guests to put some faces with names of those in the family and wedding party that they may not know and allows them to follow along with the readings, music etc.  We also included names of grandparents who had passed and therefore weren't present and wrote a personal note to our guests thanking them for joining us and what not.  And they do make a nice keepsake for a scrapbook of your day! 

    If everything is on the smaller/shorter scale and you don't have time or budget left for them then its not terrible to leave them out.  Note that you can definitaly get away with only having about half the number of programs as guests.  We had a ton left over and often only one person in a couple/family takes one.

  • TiffannieFTiffannieF member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited January 2012
    I thought programs were a waste since the majority won't keep them however I wanted to have directions to the reception site so I decided to go ahead. they were simple and easy. Front cover our name/location/date, inside left was the ceremony order, inside right was the WP, and back cover were the directions. I printed them from home and used cardstock (50 for $3.49). Programs are not necessary or required but I think they are nice to have.
    November 2011 Siggy Challenge: The First Kiss
    Fall Wedding Bio
  • I like programs, but mostly because I am nosy and like to know who is in the bridal party and how they are connected to the couple. But if the party is small and the ceremony short I don't think you need them.
  • I have seen pictures where the ceremony info/program info was on a sign...this would get info out to those who wanted it but also save money

  • We're saving money and skipping them. I don't think they are necessary.. people will know who our wedding party is.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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