
AW: Shower Follow Up & Big Check

I had both my family and work showers this week, and everyone was so nice and generous.  I had always wanted a pink/beach themed wedding, but ended up going with a purple/moon theme so I asked for the pink/beach theme for my family shower, and they came through.  There were lots of seashells, two poster boards with pics of me at the beach from the time I was a baby through adult, and a beutiful cake from Oakmont Bakery.  I told my FI he had to come at the end, and he showed up with a poem he had written.  He read it in front of everyone and bawled.  It was the most amazing thing and made me feel the depth of his love for me.

My bachelorette party was Saturday night at Sing Sing.  I had a great time with my friends, but Sing Sing was a bit of a letdown, and we had cab issues.  We started calling at 12:30, and they wouldn't come and get us.  We ended up calling my dad to come get us at 2:30, and when he arrived at 3:00 the cab guy finally calls.  It turned out to be a funny story to laugh at, but I still haven't recovered from only 4 hours of sleep!

My work shower was yesterday, and it was great, too.  My secretary hosted it at her house, which was nice because we could mingle.  She made this really neat basket of all different colors and kinds of candles with a poem about the occasions (first Christmas, first fight, etc.) on which they are to be used.  Also, we have a woman who knits an afgan or baby blanket for every shower, and mine was no exception.  It's beatiful!

I felt very blessed by everyone's kindness!  Plus I FINALLY got my invitations in the mail.  After the printer having to redo the actual invites (they looked speckled) and the other new printer having to redo the envleopes (which look exactly the way I envisioned now), and the busy schedule this past week they got delayed, and I was getting nervous only because we had set such an early response date (June 11).  That is a huge weight off!  Can't wait for responses!  Now, though, it's time to start writing thank you notes.

Re: AW: Shower Follow Up & Big Check

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    edited December 2011
    It sounds like both of your showers were a great time!  I'm sure the afgan is beautiful and will be a wonderful addition to your home.  I can't beleive you had to wait 3 hours to get picked up from Sing Sing!  That's insane!  Glad you made it home though.
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    edited December 2011
    Sounds like you've had a fun week- very sweet that FI wrote you a poem. I think the candle thing has been mentioned on here before- such a unique idea. I love stuff like that, and the afghan. Yay for your invitations going in the mail as well- a huge relief I'm sure!
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    ros3392ros3392 member
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    edited December 2011
    Yay! It sounds like you had such a great time and have some really great friends, family and co-workers! That is so sweet about the poem!
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    asamko1asamko1 member
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    edited December 2011
    Oh I really like that candle idea! Sounds like there are a lot of people that really care about you to make your showers so special. :-)
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    LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
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    edited December 2011
    Sounds like a wonderful weekend of events!  Your FI's poem sounds so sweet.  I can't believe he read it in front of everyone!

    Congratulations on getting the invitations out too!  That must be a huge relief.

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
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    edited December 2011
    It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!  Your FI is a keeper :)

    I'm glad to hear your invites are out and finished the way you wanted them to be!

    How is your foot/ankle? Did you get to wear your cute shoes for the shower?
    Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

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    edited December 2011
    Yeah, FI's poem was pretty special as was the fact that he read it in front of a room full of women and cried.  I think I'll keep him!

    No cute heels - just semi-cute flats.  Ankle is still aching two weeks later (think I've been running around too much).  That's part of why I thought Sing Sing was not what I expected.  I'm used to dancing along to the music and flitting from friend group to friend group, and I was basically stuck on a stool (though with my wonderful friends bringing me drinks) all night.

    I thought had seen that candle thing on here 'cause it sounded familiar.  Definitley lots of neat things like that.  For example, my Aunt Louise used to make the most delicious fudge every Christmas and give out pans of it.  Her daughter-in-law made a package with a baking dish, fudge ingredients and Aunt Louise's fudge recipe.  Also, I have this weird little metal man statue I got as a housewarming gift from a quirky friend, and another friend (at my request) had made me a Santa hat for him one year.  For my shower she hand made him hats/outfits for every holiday and occasion - including a bridal gown for me and a softball cap for FI.  Soooo much generosity!
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    edited December 2011
    Everything sounds lovely! Sorry I am so late, just catching up on posts!
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