Registry and Gift Forum

Ahhh... and finally the registry stalking begins!

FI and I registered back in january for our june 1st wedding.  We knew no one would probably buy us anything for a while because we didn't send out STDs and we didn't share our registry info in any way (obviously), plus no one was throwing us a shower (totally fine).  We just sent out our invitations last week.  Don't worry, I didn't mention my registry, but I included our wedding website which does have our registry info.

I've checked our registry periodically, partly just to review again what I had put and make any minor adjustments (change my mind on something, change a quantity after thinking about it).  I check today... and I have my first purchases!  EEEEEEEEEEEHH!

Conan Thanks you

Of course I don't care if people don't give me much or anything.  I just can't help but be so excited though that some things were purchased.  I'm so excited to be getting new towels!

Does anyone else feel bad for registry stalking?  Should it be considered a guilty pleasure... or no guilt at all?


Re: Ahhh... and finally the registry stalking begins!

  • itzMSitzMS member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary
    Personally, I felt no guilt.

    We don't use our front door (where packages get delivered) so I actually liked to know when things were ordered so I could be on the lookout for them.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ahhh... and finally the registry stalking begins!</a>:
    [QUOTE]It gives me an icky feeling to see people registry stalk. I did not do it. I was happy to be surprised when the gifts arrived.
    Posted by scribe95[/QUOTE]

    <div>I know, a part of me thinks I need to stop now and be surprised.  It's funny because normally I like to be surprised for gifts (birthday, X-mas).  I was never the kid to go hunting for presents.</div><div>
    </div><div>But I think it's a problem because the registry is so accessible... just a click away.  I'll still be surprised by who gave it though.  And by any non-registry gifts.</div><div>
    </div><div>I'm also a little concerned in making sure that I registered for enough small/cheap items.  </div>

  • registry stalking was half the fun for me!! I got excited over every single thing, and I was still excited to open everything at my shower and see and touch things in person. Don't feel guilty!
    Dreaming of our Hawaiian honeymoon! Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I do it too. I have been guessing who got us what. So far I've been wrong.
  • Not gonna deny it, I totally registry stalk! I'll still be surprised when I open the gifts to see what came from who! :)

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I was very proud to not be a registry stalker. The only thing I would look at was the count, which they had on both of my registries. So I could see '1 item bought, 88 items remaining' but I couldn't see what the one item was.
    I even had my sister check on and change things on our registry so we wouldn't see. 
  • I stalked and it was still exciting to see "who" got me what--plus the shower was so exciting anyway that I pretty nuch forgot what I was going to get and it was still exciting to open things.  Plus, I did not stalk in the 3 days leading to the shower so I definitely had some surprises for sure. 

    And there will be gifts bought early but not necessarily given to you at the shower, so you never know when and who the gift will come from

  • I registry stalk.  Every. Day. 

    FI hated it at first - but when I called to say "OMG THE SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS WERE ORDERED" he actually started getting into it and asked me who got them.

  • I am totally doing the same thing. My Mom keeps yelling at me about it!
  • We haven't officially published our website in a big way, but our VIPs have seen it. And yes, the registry is on there.  Nobody has made a purchase, but the wedding is almost a year away.  We did hear a little birdie say that they found it helpful to get a better idea of our taste and our wishes, and my sister for one was really tempted to use it at Christmas for her holiday shopping. (Would have been fine by me. HAHA)

    On the other hand, when we get our STD out, I'm definitely going to be a stalker. I am NOT big on surprises.

    And, that "delivery on the porch" thing is going to be my excuse, so thank you for that PP. LOL
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